Kid Icarus Uprising Bytes - Wrath of the Reset Bomb - Man on the Internet

Published 2021-02-28
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Good riddance, human scum! The world's better off without you!

Kid Icarus Uprising Musical Bytes is a collection of songs from the video game - not a full musical, but united in one package regardless! Through the month of February 2021 we are proud to present to you songs about the war of the gods from Kid Icarus Uprising!

Kid Icarus: Uprising belongs to Nintendo and Project Sora
Wrath of the Reset Bomb Composed by Yuzo Koshiro

Footage by MaskedMetaKnight4 (   • Kid Icarus: Uprising - Viridi, Goddes...  ) (   • Kid Icarus: Uprising - Wrath of the R...  )

Viridi: EmilyGo VO ( ( (
Pit: wintermelon (
Palutena: Classicult (

DBGreece (
EmilyGo VO
Kylie Ann ( ( ( (
QueenCreeps ( ( (
Steel ( (
Tex ( (
UprisingAttorney (

Lyrics by Alex Beckham

Art by UprisingAttorney (

Mix by Marc Gardner

All Comments (21)
  • Whoops! Looks like the chorus was copied from Return of Palutena. The correct names are in the description! It’ll be fixed for the full package.
  • @CeHee123
    Most nature gods/goddesses in fiction: Calm, tree hugging, peaceful and caring to all living things. Viridi: "Wishes denied! EVERYONE DIES!" *Proceeds to pull a Fallout and NUKES EVERYTHING.
  • @JediSteve-J3-
    "c'mon bomb, do your worst" Uhhh, pit That is what we are trying to prevent
  • @TheDracolordian
    I like how Viridi hates all humans but when you do palutanas guidance she just literally simps for every male fire emblem character
  • @CeHee123
    Slash and burn is a term used for a type of deforestation, but can also be applied to the humans fighting with blades and flaming catapults. Very fitting for this song.
  • @Unovakid24
    I just love how Viridi, a goddess who sounds like an adorable kid, sings about killing human kind in a big ball of fire lol
  • @CeHee123
    Kid Icarus Uprising: The only game where one of your allies is a freaking sociopathic eco-terrorist. Seriously, what other game introduces a character who isn't the main antagonist by having them drop a literal NUKE on hundreds, possibly thousands of people? On screen. In a Nintendo game no less!
  • @thetapixie6638
    2 things: 1, I legit got chills. and 2, Viridi flawlessly goes from sounding like she's planning a garden party to planning a warcrime.
  • "Humans are driven by selfish desire. They think only of themselves" Speaking as a human,I've never felt so correctly offended by a video game character
  • I actually forgot how intimidating Viridi is at first until I heard this. Someone seeing this character for the first time would not be expecting her to be dropping nukes. Great job on this song!
  • @toxic8129
    If Virdi hates humans then she must be real happy with the Inklings
  • @falconwing5111
    Wrath of the Reset Bomb is such an underrated song, but it and Viridi's theme fit chapters 11 and 12 perfectly. You've just taken down Medusa - who you already thought was a huge threat. Then right afterwards Hades shows up. He's clearly way more dangerous, and you can tell that from how nonchalant he is about Medusa and war in general at the end of Chapter 9 and through Chapter 10. Then you start up Chapter 11 and think it might be similar to Chapter 2 with Magnus - showing a ton of war at the start (this time over the Wish seed) and then fighting some Underworld boss or something. But Palutena pulling Pit back last minute and then finding out about the Forces of Nature and the power they have really was quite a mind blow for me. There was so much we didn't know about the game's world before. The way the music sort of "opens up" just like the story does post-Medusa is great! The person voicing Viridi did a really good job hitting the high notes as well.
  • @ravenwitch45
    Viridi was the god I was looking forward to see singing the most and this sure delivers. I'm not sure if you quoted from the game but Palutena calling her "The goddess of all living things" Makes me think Viridi could actually feel all the pain the trees and forests felt as they were cut down and the possibility that if the lack of humans could kill the gods shows how mad she is that her beautiful nature was utterly abused and is willing to end herself to stop it from happening again. It really shows that despite how she is clearly misguided she is right in a way and that's why she is my favorite god from this game and honestly I'm happy she became an ally and I can't wait for a sequel with her in it or her becoming a Smash Fighter
  • @voidnoodle8911
    Much as I love Emily's voice as Viridi, I do think she could do with a bit more roughness and edge to her portrayel- It feels rarer that Viridi ever got to a shriek-ish tone and usually descended deeper when she got angry or stressed, from my memory at least- regardless, it's still a fantastic go at her voice!
  • @hts9060
    Please note this is also the god that made a reference to Metroid.