"Ballisantirax Dreams...." Campaign Diary #021


コメント (21)
  • I love how the lord of jackals killed people who were down all of the way.
  • Honestly, what's the point of publishing a supplement if you don't use your own work?
  • How dare you actually show how some of the mechanisms you've designed work. Honestly, somebody somewhere will always complain. Dont take it to heart, it sounds like you have your audience hooked
  • Would be sick if they eventually looted a javelin of lightning off of one of these guys. "Hey... isn't this OURS??"
  • @Hrorwulf
    The people: This guys made a kickstarter with a book and a stream Matt: Streams content from the book The people: :O
  • Oh no, Matt showed us how to use mechanics from a system he designed on a stream geared to show people how to play D&D! Thanks Matt for all the awesome content man!
  • @Xenoman14
    I literally shouted and cheered when Slim got that Crit, and was 'on the edge of my seat',whenever he rolled. So yeah, it was very engaging!
  • Calling on a God as been a standard in every game I have run or been apart of since the 80's. I think it is because of the final scene of Conan, just before the battle at the monoliths. "Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then the HELL with you!"
  • I've literally never felt the need to comment on one of Matt's videos. However it never felt like an add it felt like you using your own homebrew (that happens to be published).
  • Personally, I loved it. I love big cinematic 'boss fights' like that. I tend to break up episodes of The Chain per hour (since my internet can't handle Twitch and I watch the vods on the YouTubes), but this was the one episode I watched in one sitting. Side note; artists who are doing stuff for The Chain, you lovely folks are amazing. Y'all do great work and, while I am just a voice in the internet void, it is appreciated.
  • 23:35 Watching Lars fight back smiling like a little child opening presents they had no idea they were getting.
  • As someone who funded Strongholds & Followers and the stream, I was so happy to see you use the mechanics I’ve not been able to use yet. It was the same level of excitement that I got when I first saw D&D played and wanted to do it myself. It was a really cool session because the tides turned so much and we got to see how the mechanics worked. It was awesome
  • Hey Matt, just wanted to say thank for for all you do! Also, just got my PHYSICAL COPY OF STRONGHOLDS AND FOLLOWERS! 😍😍😍😍😍
  • It was a 4 hour long commercial for Strongholds and Followers, and I approve of this ad.
  • Now technically, the Black Iron Pact wouldn't know much about Judge's abilities outside of knowing she's an Illrigger. So next encounter, she still has an ace up her sleeve.
  • Matt, love the videos and love the Twitch streams of The Chain. Take the complaints re ad/scripting etc. with a grain of salt. Many of us loved it and were gripped the whole combat last week.
  • Hi Matt. Ballisantirax Dreams was a great episode. I was just as excited as O.D. You're doing an amazing job - and so are Jerry, your friends, the Mods, and Chat. I'm eager to watch the next ep. Hail !!!!