Neville Goddard The Law Of Liberty


コメント (21)
  • Neville brings so much sense to the hidden meanings of the Bible. thank you for these lectures!!
  • My new favorite. I almost didn’t listen because i thot it was the same law of liberty that i have listened to many times, but it’s completely different. :)
  • Two other lectures that contain the writer friend and his character, Eddie are: Our Real Belief & Is Causation Imaginal.
  • @justkell1
    Thank you for sharing this with us. I am just now learning of Neville and I am enjoying all of the information.
  • Wow! Lot's Wife turning into a pillar of salt was completely misunderstood by Religious Christians! I was told it happened literally. Thank God for Neville.
  • @kJack8420
    Really enjoy refreshing to learn his teachings...!!
  • THIS is my favorite NEVILLE GODDARD lecture!!!! Why is it so hard to find? It’s confused with the “Perfect Law of Freedom” I think maybe? Can’t find it online either.
  • thank you for uploading this one. I was happy to hear more details and explanation about how he obtained his divorce from his first wife. I had heard the story in other lectures, but this lecture tied it together a little better. Some difficult concepts to wrap my head around, but the more I hear the more it is coming together.
  • 46:42 He is suggesting that one could summon every person from every point in time, knowing that they are truly inside and not outside? Could anyone elaborate please? How do I know that this whole inside-pushed-out-thing is not a half truth, as in a projection of mine, telling me of some narcissistic grandiose character flaws? Jeez this is really challenging. Why is this all so hard? I just wanna know what's going on.
  • @el-uk1zp
    Jesus knew judas was going to betray him, he knew Peter was going to deny him, but he accepted these thoughts in him for a sign, now sometime when something happens we say I already knew that was coming, so the point here is not to accept that thought if it's not in alignment with your desires,I am going to deny any thought that's against my desires, everyone has these thoughts against their imagination,but I am lord over my desire and thoughts,so I decide which thought to entertain now, remember we're not pure until we receive the holy spirit, good luck people
  • @naviljr25
    Is it possible to obtain a transcript of this recording? This is a fascinating lecture.
  • Has YT or someone screwed up the audio on this video? It sounds really weird, like someone paying a record backwards. I don’t understand how other people were able to hear this video and comment positively about what they heard when you can’t understand the audio of this at all now. 🤷🏼‍♀️