Sonic Stop Motion Adventures: Episode 27: Forward;

Published 2018-10-20

After being transported to a strange, other-worldly location, the showdown between Sonic and Bedlam continues. With the help of the E.E.M. and Variable S, Sonic is able to maintain his super transformation as he tries proving with force that he is worthy of the Chaos Emeralds. The decisive and climactic battle is settled here, in the exciting conclusion to Sonic Stop Motion Adventures.

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It is with bittersweet excitement that I now conclude Sonic Stop Motion Adventures, after just shy of a 10-year run. This past year of working tirelessly on the final two Episodes now ends, and all the work I sunk into them finally begins to pay off. I am so grateful to have been able to keep this series going as long as I did, and end it at the time I believe is best for both the series itself, and me personally.

Thank you all for taking this journey with be, because I could not have done it alone.

Thank you to Evan, who along with voicing him, helped me shape Bedlam into something great:

Thank you to WakeAngel2001 for your stellar job at customizing both Bedlam figures, helping this character really come to life:

Thank you to AJ for being the best man to turn towards in the scripting phase throughout the entire show. And for voicing Silver and Dash:

And to the rest of the Square, who I would not have had the pleasure of meeting if it were not for this very series. Thank you for providing both voices and support over the years:

Thank you to Mewsel, who carried the roles of Tails, Amy, and Blaze throughout several Episodes:

Thank you to Jeff, for always being a pleasure to work with:

Thank you to everyone in Pipchat Official. You're my realest friends.

And thank you to everyone else who has watched and been a part of this series.

"Live & Learn" cover from Jonathan Parecki's Sonic Adventure 2 medley:
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"Doomsday Arms" Doomsday Zone / Big Arms metal remix by GaMetal:
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"The Unknown" by mXenon:
   • mXenon - The Unknown (Horror Metal)  

"Friends" by Hyper Potions:
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"Impossible Year" instrumental remake by Matts Amore:
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#ssmafinale #Bedlam #SonicStopMotionAdventures
Sonic The Hedgehog and all related characters all owned by Sega. Bedlam character design by piplupfan77.
Bedlam figure made by WakeAngel2001.

All Comments (21)
  • @piplupfan77
    This is the first time I have ever been overwhelmed by your guy's feedback. I keep setting aside hours of my day just to read all these comments. Thank you for being here with me, it means the world to me. Love you all.
  • Congratulations man! Finishing a series is always a hard thing to do emotionally. You done good my friend.
  • @bythewayisay
    I'm sooo extremely late to writing this but... In Sonic's terms, call me fashionably late ;) I, along with many others, have been greatly inspired and moved by this series. I remember watching this show when I was a kid in its very early days, when you would still use the bendy Sonic figures and have crazy appearances of characters from other franchises! You have seriously improved in every aspect so much. From your incredible range of voice acting, story, animation, directing, and effects, all of these haven't gone unnoticed! These episodes are just absolutely fantastic. It's truly inspiring how you've managed to tell such an amazing story and become such a wonderful creator. I'll never forget the work that you've done and it'll always stay in my heart.  I remember many many years ago when I would watch you and LifeLine's livestreams I would dream at the thought of being recognized by you guys, and the fact that I'm even listed in the special thanks credits leaves me filled with so much joy.  So thank you for that, and thank you for creating one of the best stop motion series the world has ever seen!
  • In 2009, I, as a tiny 9-year-old girl who was obsessed with Sonic, saw a series called Sonic Stop Motion Adventures made by an 11-year-old boy. I watched each episode happily and was sad when I thought it stopped. But when the next episode came out. I was beyond ecstatic. I followed your journey as you did some of the best stop motion I have ever seen. Even your sign language video made me smile. You are an amazing creator and I am happy your series ended when you wanted it. I hope things are going well for you and good luck on your future projects!
  • @PilotTails
    I've gotta say, when you invited me into the group that became the Square, I didn't think much of it at first. As young as you were, you stepped out and took the lead to bring us together. We've all said it at some point but it's really something to admire, the way you can have an idea, make a plan, and 9 times out of 10 commit to doing a quality job, or even being willing to look back and improve on yourself later. It's an understatement to say you've learned a lot; we've all come a long way and learned from each other, and kept the connection through everything thick and thin. Tbh we went from admiring the greats, to being a part of the greats for a bit, and then watching you ascend to a point never before reached, and it's an amazing feel from my perspective, to be so proud*. I'm amazed with the results and soo happy to have seen the series come to a close, so thank you for real. I'm left with two things, some gas in the tank to create more(*cough long overdue, I know) and keep raising the bar on outings from us in the Square, but also a ton of gratitude to have not just seen SSMA, but to have advised here and there, voiced in it, critiqued it, and have seen so many points between script and upload. Congratulations boi, much love, and so proud to be a fellow creator and close friend+admirer <3 See you when I see you.
  • Steven, it's truly inspiring to see you reach the finish line with this series. While everyone is sad to see it go and reflect on how much of an impact it has had on their lives, I can't deny that SSMA played a special role in mine too. In 2012 I had Sonic toys and a dream, a dream that I could one day be able to tell entertaining, action packed stories, that would be up there with the greats. While that may have been the goal at the time I could never imagine just how much this series would give me in pursuit of that goal. At that time you were somebody I idolized, somebody on a level I dreamed of reaching, so when I sent you that message to check out my work I didn't expect too much from it. From the Skype calls, to joining the square, to voicing in your series and even being able to creatively collaborate with you on it; my journey with SSMA has been more unique than most. In a way it feels like a chapter in my life is ending, but that really isn't true is it? Sure the curtain has drawn on SSMA, but all the things that were born from it are still with me forever, including meeting what would eventually become one of my very best friends. Thanks for everything, and way to go out with a bang. Sonic Stop Motion Adventures will continue to entertain fans old and new for years to come and I can only hope it will becomes as special to them as it has to me. Now I guess there's really only one thing I have left to do huh?
  • Okay. Sonic's friends encouraging him not to give up? Hyper Sonic? Sonic becomes the moderator? This ending is awesome.
  • @Westsidewaver
    This used to be my childhood. I remember watching this when I was 6 now I'm a freshman in high school. Memories man 😭😭
  • @PatMacYT
    I want to take the time to say seriously, congratulations on finishing this series. I started watching back in 2013 or so, and it's been such a wild ride seeing how much the series and you in general have improved in your skills and techniques. Compare this episode to even the ones from only a few years ago, and it's insane. The fact that I started watching this as a fan, and now you're one of my best friends is crazy. Thank you so much for putting in all the time you did for these, I've never gotten super emotional about Sonic fan series, but this one's absolutely an exception. Good luck with what you've got planned next, cause going off of this, it'll be fantastic. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this incredible series. e
  • Well, everyone is chiming in on their experiences with this series, so I'd like to take the time to do so myself. I still remember way back when I stumbled upon this series and it led me to do one of my favorite hobbies that i'll always cherish, stop motions. You were one of the few who pioneered the stop motion scene into a huge community and i'll never forget the fun I had when everyone was rampantly releasing their own stop motions videos back when our only priority was making youtube videos! Nearly 10 years later and you've concluded a long lasting impact on all of our lives. We move on to whatever our own priorities are in the "real" world are now, but we never forget the fun we had in the past creating animations, and specifically watching your show, Steven. Congrats on finishing a fan project, especially one lasting as long as yours has. This is a commendable feat you've accomplished and I wish you the absolute best in the future! Thank you for the memories.
  • This series was amazing. The voices were great, the episodes were phenomenal, the story is awesome, and its just a great series all together. This series holds a place in my heart as one of my favorite sonic fan-made series. I can't believe on how far this has come and now it's already ending! Time sure does fly by doesn't it? This series was amazing from the first episode. Sure it DID have its ups and downs but I can assure you it had way and I mean WAY more ups then downs. I can't believe that this series is already coming to a close and I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us Steven! Well until next time...Farewell Sonic Stop Motion Adventures...You may have ended...But you will forever keep continuing in our hearts.
  • @Sonicpox
    What a wild ride!! Steve thank you for making a real memorable series, definitly brought me through most of my rim on YouTube, always got excited to see a new episode come up on my feed, and being able to finally talk to you was an incredible moment! Good luck on everything you decide to take on in the future! But remember, bootleg sonic will Live on forever!
  • @SEVEN-bz8sh
    I remember being in elementary school where I was a huge sonic nerd and loved anything sonic related, when I first found out about this series it really amazed me how you did this, I loved everything about the series, now im in high school and the series is finally ending, what a true journey this has actually been. thank you steven.
  • Steven, You managed to change a whole genre of videos on YouTube and you inspired many people including myself to keep passionate about the things that I like. You single handedly started something and finished it. That's something not a lot of people do and you being one of those people to do so is absolutely honorable. I am so happy for you and all this hard work you've put into your own work. I even got to be a part of this which is the crazy part and for that I thank you so much! From when I joined that November stream with AJ, to today I'm so happy I can even say that were friends. Honestly just keep on doing what you do best, take it slow, pop a few puyos, and Rest Easy Hero.
  • @iUndeadPixels
    Typically I don't comment on YouTube videos; However, this series finale and series as a whole deserves as much love and appreciation as it can receive. I've watched this series since the first few episodes, and the gradual transformation of the plot has been incredible. I've been a Sonic fan since my toddler days and after discovering YouTube, all the stop-motion and flash series I've found have become deeply embedded in my childhood. Your series is one of the most notable creations, and you as a creator are a gigantic part of the fandom. There's so much I want to say, but I'm unsure of how to convey the love many have for your work. From the hilarious interaction in this finale between Espio and Knuckles to the intense battles throughout the entire series, you've mastered a craft. I love everything about each episode and will continue to binge watch these as I have in the past as if a new ep was arriving. Your efforts are way past cool and way past commendable. Thank you for being a true blessing to the community. I'm anticipating your next creation.
  • @noobboss0
    Strange to think this all started with the quest for the chaos emeralds