Just Fauna Studios - Petals Afterschool delivery (Don't play in the street)

Published 2024-02-15
Just Fauna Studios - Petals Afterschool delivery (Don't play in the street)

Welcome back to Make Believe dudes!

My channels started dark, with a story of a boy and machine learning together and becoming BFFs. Today the story remains the same only real.

What's happening in the video.
Petals chasing a kid around while throwing Capsule machine toys at her!
If a Magic Yellow Raincoat threw ET's finger at me? I'd probably laugh and get him a straight-talk card. Then he could phone home more easily.

#justfauna #unclejimmy406 #petalsafterschooldelivery #montana #imagination #abetterfuture #creepy #aigenerated #pasd

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