reverence 75% (Extreme Demon)

i started playing this on august 5th
the level ends at 85, but it really ends after the 75 wave because that's the last hard part
i also died to 72, 70, 68 at least twice, 67, 65 at least 3 times, and 63 at least 3 times
expecting at least two more deaths to 75 if this bs keeps up
this will be my 4th hardest probably

My hardest completions (my opinion):
1. Heavens Door (Extreme Demon)
2. Goldcrest Palace (Extreme Demon)
3. Niflheim (Extreme Demon)
4. Falling Up (Extreme Demon)
5. Reflective (Extreme Demon)
6. Air Tech (Extreme Demon)
7. Shotgun (Extreme Demon)
8. RTX ON (Extreme Demon)
9. Dreamfully (Insane Demon)
10. Corrosion (Insane Demon)

My gd spreadsheet:

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