Jango Fett Fights an Ex Mandalorian


Jango Fett fights an ex Mandalorian named Montross. They have fight over who will win the bounty on Komari Vosa. This is a cutscene from Star Wars Bounty Hunter video game from 2002

コメント (21)
  • God the amount of testosterone in both these voices, just makes me wanna take grow a beard and take up bounty hunting
  • “The hunts nearly over, I can smell it, that smelly smell that smells... smelly.”
  • “Wait. . . He’s the better man?” “Always was, always have been.”
  • “Don’t write me off til you watch me die. Face to face.” Disney: scribbles notes
  • "The money means nothing." That's not Mr. Krabs! That's ROBO-KRABS!
  • This game is canon to me since it explains how Jango had both the Slave 1 and his son Boba.
  • "May the best man win." "I am the best. Always was." What a gangster response. Only a true badass can display such blatant arrogance and make it look good. This is why Jango will always be the best Bounty Hunter in all of Star Wars for me. No one carries such a cold and ruthless yet suave presence like this man does.
  • out of all the star wars game, this should get a remake it's this
  • Montross, Savage Opress, and Burg. Clancy Brown has been a lot of Star Wars characters, hasn’t he?
  • The way Jango left Montross just barely alive enough so he'd stay awake while he's disemboweled by the Bando Gora was cold. Not to mention denying him a warrior's death. I mean compared to Jango he's almost pure evil and he definitely deserved it, but in the cutscene that plays if Montross kills you; at least he had the common decency to make sure that Jango was actually dead, before moving on to find Vosa. Also Jango saying "Don't be a sore loser" doesn't carry as much weight if you're unaware that Montross had recently killed Jango's toydarian friend Roz and said the same thing. Sounds kind of dorky on it's own but it was a terrific comeback when put into context.
  • Din leaves that guy to get eaten by whatever was in the dark, here Jango leaves this guy to get eaten as well... weird coincidence.
  • Man Clancy Brown's voice is so recognizable and he always does such an amazing job.
  • "Imagine it, the power to send thousands of mindless assassins WILLINGLY to their deaths. To plunge the galaxy into Anarchy" To think that Montross wasnt wrong of what came after this game. Instead of mindless assassins, they had Clones who had no independent thought. Anarchy wasnt very different than the Empire.
  • @MatakCry
    This game was so damn good... 100% canon for me
  • @MegaMr46
    2:01 he went from Savage to Mr. Krabs in a matter of minutes