POV: You're waiting on the dock, but begin to hear singing... (Check desc.)

Published 2024-04-21
I sighed as I look at my phone to check the time, they're late, and I'm getting impatient. My friend was supposed to meet me here a long time ago, but she never came. We were going to draw in the sand together and tell funny stories of things we've never told anyone before, now we can't, because SOMEBODY is late..
I decided to go on my phone and just watch Instagram reels..again..
Still, she never came. Never even answering calls or texts.
I even tried yelling her name from afar, but of course, no answer.
"You know what. Whatever." I huffed and stomp back to the sand, but just before I reach the end of the dock, a strange ring sounds in my ears.
I stop in my tracks and look behind me, but see nothing. I walk again, but start to hear a voice, a singing voice, coming from underneath the large pier.
I can't help but stay and listen, their voices are so...entrancing...
I over and under the pier, and I could've sworn I saw some tail quickly snap back underwater, and I hand placed on the beam holding up the pier.
I felt like I had entered heaven at that point, one of the singing creatures actually made eye contact with me. I counted five people in the ocean, all taking turns singing their own parts. It's like they wanted me to come down and talk with them. I wondered if mer-people knew how to talk to humans, or if they had their own language. Well, some parts of the song was in English, so I guess so.
I finally got up the courage to go down and try to talk to them, or at least see a little closer.
I was then almost face to face with the ones who enchanted me with their voices. I tried to get closer to speak, but they simply stared a few seconds, and dipped back underwater, their tails splashing, leaving me alone, confused, but also feeling wonderful, as if their vocals healed me
After a minute of thinking, I eventually decided to go back to the beach house.

But then...
"Hey! Sorry I'm late. So, watcha wanna do?"
NOW she arrives...great..

Song: Opening Sequence by TXT
Thank you for watching, listening, and reading.
Have a nice day/night ❤️

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