Much of U.S. braces for extreme weather, from southern heat wave to possible snow in the Rockies

Published 2024-06-15
After days of intense flooding in Florida, that state and many others are bracing for an intense heat wave, while the Pacific Northwest will experience unseasonably cold weather and there is a potential for late-season snow in the Rocky Mountains early next week.

All Comments (21)
  • Oh snap! Its getting hot again! Just like every year I have lived in the south for 60 years.
  • @yourab3ta943
    Ngl its crazy how the sun just got 50x times brighter and hotter. The fact its white now and not a slight orange tint is also crazy.
  • Man!! Texas sees all types of bad weather! Extreme heat, ice storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, I mean they get it all.....I think it's one of the worst places to live weather wise.
  • @bionicgoon955
    Well, we just spent a boatload replacing our 20 yr old HVAC, so bring it on!
  • @franklinj1038
    Remember when they would forecast Hey Summers Here! Now it's like Hey Atmospheric Apocalypse
  • @AFM864
    The 10 warmest years in the 143-year record have all occurred since 2010, with the last nine years (2014–2022) ranking as the nine warmest years on record.
  • @erock736
    Why don’t they ever explain to you the “why” that this weather is happening. Like what’s suddenly causing this hot streak?
  • July and part of August have always been the hottest months of the year. Remember, concrete retains heat much more than rural areas. So if you're in a big city; July and August will be hot. Don't let the media exagerate.
  • Niente di cui meravigliarsi. L'Uomo Ăš sicuramente il primo colpevole di tutto ciĂČ, e bisogna che egli impari a cambiare modo di pensare e di comportarsi. Se no sarĂ  per forza sempre peggio.
  • When any broadcasting network needs views... because you know, anyone can be a weather-man today.. has to fear monger with everything starting with title of video
  • It's hilarious how they try to act like any weather that isnt like a beautiful Californian day is evidence of cataclysmic climate change
  • @Mack9456
    Always trying to put fear into people! It’s called summer folks! Don’t be a sheep!
  • We haven't seen anything yet. It'll get worse during the great tribulation.