IBM Selectric Typewriter Stalling, Slow to Start, Sticking, Initial Inspection Diagnostic exam

Published 2017-03-09

All Comments (21)
  • Good of you to share your knowledge like this Duane and I enjoy the 'discover along with me what the problem is', nature of your vids
  • @broomhandle3700
    Great video. I, too, just picked up one of these for $5 on Facebook marketplace. It's probably been sitting around for over a decade too. Looks like mine has a broken tab pulley and some sticky keys among various other problems. Your videos have been great at helping me diagnose what's wrong with my machine, as I've got next to no clue about what I'm doing. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
  • That's about the condition most of the machines I see are in! I posted on my FB business page to let people see how bad these can be.
  • @rubber20021
    A Great reliable workhorse of the 1970's and earlier!
  • @Chernobypi67
    Good Job👍🏻 Wonderfull machine IBM selectric
  • @danielhehir1
    I used to repair these machines way back in 1979. This one sounds like a yamaha 500 single ...
  • @kawboy4621
    Those red handle scissor-clamp tells me your ex-IBM...
  • @jillianlea9690
    I have one...just got it .turn it in ans the motor gets so hot and doesn't start up. I don't know if it's repairable....any thoughts would be appreciated
  • I recently got a selectric III , it is in dire need of cleaning at the very least. Should I use lacquer thinner ? Also any recommendations for lube after the old oil has been cleaned?
  • @bobynm13
    Hey! This is a comment on a 4 year old video so I understand it's a long shot. I just purchased one of these (Selectric 3) and after typing about a page or so, the machine started to only type about half of letters. It's like it's only punching through on half of the character when the ball strikes the paper as opposed to the whole thing. I have a feeling that it might be an alignment issue with the ball or something but I'm not at all experienced with typewriter diagnostics and repair.
  • I just bought an IBM Selectric and it works amazing! I got it for $10 and there is only one problem. A few of the keys don't work unless I press them 20 or more times. The K is specifically bad. Do you know how I could fix that?
  • @kaunomedis7926
    Any tips for what to lube, what to not? And how to exchange two keys. I bought german one and z and y are swapped. Also mine was stuck due to bad old lubricant. I washed it with wd40 but it wash out oil too. At least it now print fine.
  • @miconis123
    I'd have stripped it for parts but then we used to buy them wholesale so could afford to be picky
  • @ragoonsgg589
    Looking to buy one of these bad boys local. When I'm inspecting it, should I be looking for that red indicator underneath the case?
  • @nunziopalmieri1352
    I have a selectric ii, it's in pretty good condition except the return button doesn't actually move it but it lets me move it with out resistance and the only other issue, which is new as of an hour ago, my space bar no longer functions. I can press it and it seems to do everything that its supposed to except it feels loose almost and it no longer actually creates a space, this is very problematic for obvious reasons but is quite aggravating too, I was pretty much right in the middle of writing and I got up to do some stuff and when I sat back down the space bar no longer functioned. I assumed that it was just some little issue and that turning it off and back on would fix it, as it does most all other small miniscule issues I randomly encounter, but the issue persists
  • @jillianlea9690
    Are you flushing it with the solution you found in the ebay link you posted? We went through and looked at it , last date of service 2009. We found a crack in the pully ....and sticky parts . The crack almost looks like it should be there. But it's pretty identical to what,you are showing here
    Hi Duane, can you tell me where to get one of those IBM hook tools? Thanks.
  • Hello, I was wondering what I can do if the first piece is stuck? I don’t know what it’s called but it’s the black roller. The left side came out but not the right .....I just bought this type writer and don’t understand any of it. I would really appreciate your help
  • @ThBreadMan
    I recently bought a IBM saletric 2 and it has a badge from the seacoast typewriter service and supplies by chance do you know anything about the company
  • @mumujamm
    What size of tool do I need to turn the screw? I can't make my own.