This VTUBER Critique Made Them QUIT Streaming...

Published 2024-06-09
Also, please don't send hate to the two vtubers that hosted this critique session! While what they said is not cool, it's never something that warrants death threats

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vlog youtube: @KatherinePan
outro soundtrack done by @real_ImJustTy on twitter!

tags, ignore these!
twitch streamer, twitch streaming, growing on twitch, 0 viewers, twitch affiliate, streamer, twitch rivals, twitch drama, streaming setup

All Comments (21)
  • @Snailienz
    They got a lot of nerve talking like that when their models look like alt outfits of each other. That's not critique, it's just bullying.
    personally for me I find the design overly complicated but I would never be so disrespectful about it
  • @SecreTGF
    Wait, dark skinned white haired elf number 512 and 885 really have the nerve to bash and critique other people's designs? The comedy writes itself.
  • @CozyCabbit
    I just saw this floating around Twitter and shared my thoughts there already. They never properly explained why the design was D Tier or what could have even been improved to make it better. It was just dickish mean girl behavior. Not a design critique in the slightest… Hopefully Mão Mão won’t let this situation get to them.
  • @billyboy8534
    My god, it's like high school in the vtuber sphere.
  • @mskittygemma
    I would like to add that Mao was not the only one who got negative feedback. Myself and some other vtubers got negative feedback about their designs. I posted the clip on Mao's post and I was shocked that I got so much positivity about my cosmic lolita design. It was honestly a shame that they could not think of something positive. We did not want them to stop streaming, we just wanted them to understand that what they said was awful.
  • @haks8639
    A tier-list isn't a form of constructive criticism
  • @dengakurin
    that design was very cute it just needs refining, they're nuts
  • @RaynVtuber
    As someone who uses a premade model, I respect those who make their own models/design their own models. Trashing someone just because /you/ don't like their design is peak bully behavior.
  • @bluesenpai3650
    It looks like the "2nd Tail" (The one to the left) isnt actually a 2nd tail. it looks like its the pattern to rig the tail into its desired shape (The actual tail on the right) as it isnt connected to the body whatsoever. Its easy to tell this person is somewhat new to templating and it breaks my heart to know they were treated so harshly. 💔
  • @ReezeZPieceZ
    Its frustrating "bully critique" is the new "norm". And its a lot of famous YouTubers that encourage it (with lots of people calling them out, of course). We need to stop normalizing this crap.
  • @pianoteddybear
    The "I didn't intend" excuse is in hope that people will give them the benefit of the doubt or leniency in what they did. It becomes "they didn't mean to, don't be mean for a mistake" rather than what they actually did or the impact.
  • @rainblue4789
    I will say I don't think the "you can't critique if-" is at all a valid stance with informal/non-professional feedback anyone with the gift of sight can tell when something doesn't look right to them, whether it's clashing colors, hyper clutter, wonky proportions, or whatever else these two were just unnecessarily petty over something that didn't meet their standards
  • @ebixxdracion
    They jumped on a trend with no thoughts behind it.
  • Didn’t we already go through a recent VTuber controversy when a cow VTuber made fun of other models?
  • @slayerking88
    You missed out on something very similar that happened 6-7 months ago. There was this Vtuber who was doing a smash or pass stream with some other vtuber friends. The Vtuber hosting the collab was not the problem but it was one of her friends, a cow vtuber(sorry, cannot remember the name) who caused the drama. This one design came up and the cow started calling that vtuber's design a prissy b*tch and other things. The vtuber who was humiliated called out them and the person who was hosting the collab on twitter. The host apologized because she didn't expect that to happen and that she should have shutdown the collab when it happened. However, the cow doubled down on her shit behavior and after getting even more backlash, she did made an apology post but it was made with A.I. Then she gave more bullsh*t excuses on why she didn't give a proper apology written in her own words. Before I ended up blocking that account because I was tired of seeing it pop up on my feed, they announced that they would be going on hiatus due to mental health reasons or how I like to call it, going into hiding and hope everyone forgets in a few months.
  • @RoseKindred
    When I used to critique other people's writings I would do the cake method. Start with generally positive, critique, positive, critique, and so on until you typically have more positives than negatives. Finish with what you would change and why, bring up what others besides yourself may like (trends/niche/etc) then finally end on the topping, the best of what you liked.
  • @WaffelWuffel
    Like, if you cant cririque, why bother calling your stream a "critique stream", just say that you will roast people's designs or something like that, in this case people would know what they are signing for
  • @MagusAgrippa8
    Honestly, the model Mao Mao has is not that bad at all. There's a lot going on, but that image with the tail and its rig doesn't really show the model in the most flattering way. It's so easy to think it's two tails. Mao Mao's model is also super recognizable with how unique it is.
  • @RinsDesk
    9:02 I agree with all your takes except this last one. I have been drawing since I was little. I once drew a piece that I was very proud of. I showed it around to the people I knew and I got a lot of praise for it. I showed my little sibling, who gave me a scathing review. I told them. "Who are you to say if this drawing is good or not. You don't even draw." ....their reply was. "I might not draw. But I do have eyes." ....that opened my eyes. Everyone can have an opinion and see if something looks good (in their eyes) or not. A food reviewer doesn't have to be an A tier chef. However, what these ladies were doing was not a "critique". What they were doing was bullying.