David's Harp and Psalms for Peace and Calm

I would like to present this video to those who are stressed with the current world virus pandemic. I want to help people calm and be relieved from stress. The bible tells us that David played the harp for King Saul and the troubling spirit left him. The harp has the ability to quiet the soul and bring a level of calm that aids in healing and well being for the listener. Many people tell me they use it for sleeping and meditation. Should you desire to purchase the CDs that this music comes from they are:
--------- Illuminations - Tabernacle Prayer - Harp Meditations -----------

Produced by - Steve Rees - Harpist

If you like what you hear please subscribe:
   / @peregrinnatti  

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Facebook www.facebook.com/peregrinnatti
Calming Harp Page: www.facebook.com/Calming-Harp-315507181806352/

If you would like to write a testimony of how this music has helped you email me at:
[email protected]

To purchase CDs and MP3s go to our website:

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Steve Rees has been producing Harp Music from the Psalms of David for the past 20 years. He has discovered a connection between the Hebrew text of the Psalms and music notes that develop into chord progressions that form the basis for musical compositions that have been appreciated by thousands of followers. We invite you to join the many lives that have been positively affected by this wonderful music.

コメント (21)
  • whoever is reading this, i want you to know God is on your side. He is fighting for you. you just need to be still and trust His timing . you are more than a conquerer you just have to believe. God is faithful and true to His promises. He will never leave you nor forsaken you. i love you with the love of Christ Jesus.
  • I don't know if you read your comments. My father was dying in hospital this week. On Thursday 22 June 2023 he was not doing well and was drowsy, but he was awake and lucid. My Dad had gone to church with my Mum in the past but he was not a believer. I spoke to him most of a letter that I had written which explained about the gospel. The next day on Friday afternoon when we went to visit, for the first time my Dad was not opening his eyes, he was labouring to breathing, you could hear that he was drowning in his own fluids and was groaning with every breath he took. I started playing this video with this beautiful harp music and immediately, although the laboured breathing continued, the groaning ceased completely and he was much more at peace for the rest of the time we were there. Later, even though he never regained consciousness, he was moving his feet in time to the music. He could hear the music and it had a powerful effect on him even though he could not communicate. He died only a few hours later. Thank you for sharing this music. It was a blessing in my fathers passing.
  • @dw2446
    Abba father, hear me, bless me, forgive me and never leave me. The more and more I see of this world, the less and less I want to be a part of it. You have blessed me in countless ways. Your wisdom and love know no bounds. I pray for your will in my life and on this earth as it is in heaven. Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Your words have pierced my heart. Your truth swims in the depths of my soul. Abba I will sing the song you placed in my heart for the world to hear- Holy Holy Holy is our God the Creator, Holy Holy Holy is Lord Jesus our Saviour, Holy Holy Holy is His Holy Spirit who Comforts and Holy is my walk with the Lord. I love you Abba. Do not let my heart become hardened by the troubles of this world for I know there is so much more to come. So hide me Abba, hide me in your secret pavilion so I may worship with all my heart, with all my mind and with all my soul. I welcome the death of my flesh for you have made me a new creation in your loving kindness. However unworthy, I praise you. But as the clock ticks, I know you are nearer and nearer to those who are yours for we are of one spirit, His Holy Spirit. I pray for the lost Abba, I pray for the forgotten, those tormented, those who have succomed to fear and those who have never known your love and truth, I pray for their salvation into your Kingdom. In Your name Abba, Christ Jesus name I pray. 🙏
  • Here is a revelation. I was taking narcotics for several years and couldn't seem to break free from them. When I finally was able for a few months after being off of them in the mornings and after sleeping I could hear beautiful music in the solitude of my room. I had never heard it before (no one else could hear it). I thought it was hallucination from my brain chemistry changing back to normal after being sedated for all of those years. It was so beautiful though I would linger and listen until morning sounds in the house would interrupt. Now hearing this I wonder if I was hearing the sounds of the harps in heaven because it was definitely harp music I heard. Hearing this reminded me that I had that experience. I don't know but it has me in tears of rejoicing, maybe our Father was pleased and gave that to me as a way of showing me. This couldn't have come at a better time. Thank you for sharing your gift.
  • This is your sign, right here....its time to give your burdens to the Lord, don't give up...he loves you and wants to heal you.
  • JESUS Healed my kidneys after being poisoned in 2018 I saw Heaven in 2009 after being stabbed I am under spiritual attack and have nobody to pray with please body of CHRIST pray for me These psalms are amazing HEAVEN IS REJOICING!!!!!!!!!
  • I am constantly reminded and amazed at how our Heavenly Father hears the heart cry of His children and meets them at the point of their deepest need. Oh the tender mercies of our Good and Faithful God.
  • My 9year old son was struggling with emotions. After listening to this for only 20 mins or so, he told me he felt full of calmness and peace. Hallelujah ❣️
  • Makes me think how David played the harp to Yahweh as it is described in psalms ❤️. Music to the soul. HalleluYah
  • @mediakido
    God. Please let me have a harp in heaven. So I can praise you with joy! It doesn't have to be golden harp. Even if its small and wooden harp, I would like to praise you all day long. Thank you Jesus!
  • Listening to this beautiful music as I cry out to the Lord for emotional and mental healing. He says He will never leave us or forsake us
  • David was so in love with the Lord. This is how we can please God. To be in this state is the best state we can ever be in. It is why we were made.
  • Just in case you are reading this, don't let the chaos around you into your soul. Find your peaceful place and stay there. You will need the purity of your sanity when this Covid-19 madness ends. We will come out stronger, wiser and more determined. Stay positive. Stay prayed up🤗💜.
  • @arthurrankin
    A big storm came through last night here. The tree top crashed on the on the house . I told the family time to play David's harp for peace. The storm instantly calmed down. Praise the Lord Jesus. Peace in the storm is priceless. Faith in The creator and the blessed songs he bestowed on David to play.
  • Please pray for my daughter who is into the occult and is mentally ill. Please Jesus send your Holy Spirit to heal and deliver her and may she serve YOU alone for the rest of her life.
  • God Bless You. Whoever is reading this Jesus loves you. I humbly ask for prayers. I have just been diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer and I am believing God for healing. Thank You ❤️🙏
  • Jesus is coming to rescue us to heaven. Hallelujah. 1 Thessalonians 4, Revelation 3:10-11. It's our Blessed Hope. When I get to heaven I am going to learn how to play the harp. Maranatha.
  • Was having bad anxiety and felt like was drowning but this harp and God's word helped.
  • I can see David playing such melodies upon his harp to his sheep! My family and I are so blessed by this music... May calm and peace of Jesus surround, enfold, engulf all listeners. Pray for us too. Thank you.
  • My 3 year old has been having nose bleeds off and on all day. She is exhausted. I played this for her and prayed over her. She instantly calmed down and fell asleep. Thank you for creating such beautiful music and sharing it with us.