Cinderella - Dark Original Version by Brothers Grimm 1812

This video unveils the dark and enchanting world of “Cinderella,” a story with ancient roots that stretch back to the era of oral fairytales, whispered through the ages. Originating from the heart of Germany, this narrative was meticulously recorded by the legendary Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in the year 1812, offering a glimpse into a version far more shadowy and sinister than the Disney version we all grew up with. From mystical golden slippers to the echo of midnight chimes, this video promises to immerse you in the eerie charm of a story that has haunted and enchanted through the ages. This rendition is brought to life through cutting-edge AI animation, blending the ancient with the futuristic to cast a spellbinding experience.

Drawing from the profound insights of Marie-Louise von Franz, remember that all fairytales act as a mirror to the collective unconscious, unveiling universal themes and archetypal characters that resonate deeply with the human psyche. This story transcends its narrative to become a guide of symbols for the process of female individuation, reflecting a feminine journey towards psychological integration and self-discovery. Through symbolic language akin to the dreamscape, “Cinderella” presents not just a tale of trials and triumphs, but a pathway to understanding the deeper layers of personal growth and the archetypal journey ingrained in our collective heritage.

Text to the version used:
(There are many variations to this fairytale, they are all slightly different and all of them are valuable)

コメント (21)
  • I never thought much of Cinderella's father for allowing his wife and step-daughters for treating his natural child in the way they did.
  • @dkf315
    Prince to Cinderella: try on this shoe Cinderella: (pulls out the other shoe while thinking, 'hell no am I going to wear a shoe filled with blood.')
  • @namemeniks
    This is for all the people with the pronunciation problem with the word hearth. It is one of the words that depends on your place of origin. Both "harth" and "herth" are correct. Same that herb is correct as "erb" and "herb."
  • @AustynSN
    This story was pretty sloppily constructed. It failed to mention the fact that Cinderella's father had died. The step-mother pretty much disappeared until the end, with the eldest daughter taking most of her role. Finally, it left out the part where the birds pecked out the eyes of the step-family.
  • I feel I was strangely lead here to see this now. The doves 🕊 were a revelation to me from my past. Thank you ❤
  • The sisters had their eyes plucked out by the doves in the original story...😮
  • The paintings are beautiful Thank you for giving the carriage horses feathers (fluffy feet). I work with Clydesdales and don't see them in media very often
  • You left out the end, where at Cinderella‘s wedding the doves pick out her stepsisters eyes.
  • Forgot the last part where the sisters are struck blind for the rest of their lives as punishment.
  • @jennya9838
    If your mother only knew, it would surely break her heart in two.
  • @jjsalt1982
    Beautiful Cinderella story. This version is probably my favorite story out all Cinderella stories I've ever heard. Read too. Movies I've seen. I know this for a fact 😊. Every girl in the world always dream of her Cinderella night. Dancing the night away with her true love or a guy she mysteriously just met at a dance. Leave at midnight. Beautiful Cinderella dream for all girls.
  • I’m waiting for your beauty and the beast content. That’s my favorite fairy tale ever yet it has a disturbing backstory and it was based on a true story.