5 signs that cats are saying Goodbye to their owners (Audio adjusted - https://youtu.be/2Sew2cVsyF4

Publicado 2024-03-12

Todos los comentarios (20)
  • My nan’s cat and nan both said goodbye together he was 15 years old , they adored each other , went to bed and died together never to be parted
  • Our cat Penny died and it still hurts. A beautiful plant sprouted where we buried her in her favorite blanket.
  • @lormor460
    This is bringing me to tears. My cat is 16 and is doing all of this. Although, he doesn’t go in to hiding unless I’m babysitting my grandchildren. He used to spend all his days outside (especially summer) but not this year. He only goes out through the pet door to go to the bathroom. I’m so close to him. I think I’ll lose my mind when he goes…
  • @Krrrimmi
    My big sister bought our Persian Angora cat named Snowbelle back in 2009. She was a kitten. She never got sick for 14 years. Because we never allow her to roam on the streets or we might lose her. We allow her to walk on our yard to get some fresh sunshine. She grew up rude & vicious. Giving us claw cuts & bite wounds for years. She never got sick until she had a seizure in May 27, 2024. & she can't move, only her head. We rushed her in our nearest vet. They made a blood test on her, the result was normal. The precribed her some calcium syrup. I gave her some calcium by a syringe dropper when we got home. & a few minutes later she was cured. She can now walk & sit straight up.(Thank God,) Then by April 25, she got a seizure again. During seizure, her sharp claw wounded her paw & blood spitting everywhere. She was not paralyzed this time. The vet removed her sharp claw piercing her paw & they cut all her sharp claws. It was a "very hot" summer here in Asia in 2024. Then I notice this May that she was walking non-stop around the house looking for hiding place while breathing heavily. I first thought she was having a heatstroke, so I took her a bath & got refreshed. But on d next few days, she was walking around endlessly & breathing heavily again. & I took here bath again. Then until d next few days, she was still restless. & I notice that she wasn't peeing & pooping for days until before. So I decided to take her to the vet again. They can't determine her illlness because she was on internal pain. The vet suggest to take her for an x-ray. So I took her for an x-ray & pass the results to our vet. They notice she have a lot of poop on her stomach & enlargement of the heart. If those poop were not come out, she will have a blood poisoning. So the vet gave her some laxative by a syringe dropper & suppository before we got home. She got pooped when we were home. Then I took her a bath to clean her up & got refreshed. But for tthe 2nd dose of laxative she can't poop, Maybe because she's now eating wet food & not dry food anymore, she have nothing to poop. But I notice that her pawas & legs were getting weaker & she can't stand up. So I gave here calcium syrup to make her paws & legs were strong again. I'm now worried to death that I can't take it if our Snowbelle will be gone. She was a healthy cat back in 1st week of May 2024. Sitting in the kitchen just asking for her feeds. Now she's sick. I wish & pray that she will get heal & become & healthy just like before. & not dying at 15. 😢
  • @Krrrimmi
    Sleep peacefully our beloved Snowbelle. No more pain nor suffering. You lived a healthy life. You never get sick all your life. (She's a house cat.) You will be forever be loved. She's 15 years old. (83 cat years old) Born June 30, 2009. Died May 25, 2024 at 12NN. 😔🐈
  • @puca7908
    Ouch. Our 10 year old tuxedo kitty is doing a lot of these. I'm not used to losing a pet cat at this age, ours usually live to 14 or 15 years. Crap.
  • @debgorman5850
    My darling cat,Oreo passed away on 19th of May this year,....less than a week ago.We had put her down & say goodbye due to kidney & liver failure.💔😢🙏🐱
  • @indigowolf556
    My cat Lucy Bell is about 12 years old. She doesn't go outside she's always been an indoor cat which is healthier. She's always been a good cat and today she wanted to just hide in the closet. She likes to go in there but only for a few minutes. But today she wanted to go in there for a little bit longer I think she is dying but I am not sure. Just watching her keeping an eye on her😢❤
  • As painful as it is, thank you for this video. I've got a very sick baby, and try a i might, i know her time is near
  • @dimodimov1652
    Раздялата е разрушителна.котката ни беше 18 г.беше член от семейството много ни липсва.RIP. SILVIA
  • @Catlover777ful
    If you're about to watch this video, do yourself a big favor and turn off the sound. The music is much too loud and quite unnecessary. Read the words on the screen. As for the info, it's pretty much on target. Keep in mind, though, some cats are just plain sweethearts and may flood you with love and affection with all these traits, and live 20+ years. We had a precious black and white tuxedo cat, an affectionate kitten and loved our whole family for 23 years and 3 months. fyi - that's 140 years for a human - sorry, I mean hooman.
  • @lorismith2722
    One time when we were taking one of our cats to the vet she started making loud howling noises that sounded like screams on the way , she had never done anything like that before when we took her there , we were just going for a check up and they were doing some tests on her and found out that she had F.I.V ( the feline version of H.I.V ) they told us that she was extremely contagious and would have to be quarantined away from the other cats and that she would have a long and painful death , we couldn't put her through that and it was so painful to say goodbye especially when we didn't expect not to come home with her , for some reason I think she knew that she wasn't coming back home , everyone knew it was best and most humane thing to do is let her go , but I miss her everyday , I guess she was saying goodbye on the way 😢
  • @retluoc
    #4 is the most important. If your cat hides and no longer explores, something is wrong. Unless they are old, they need a vet fast.
  • @dianecoxen1053
    It is only may 21 2024 so how can your cat be sick and cured it is not may 27 2024 yet
  • @Stoccado
    Good information but hard to hear over the noise disguised as music. I have a 17 year old feral tom that I adopted as a kitten showing the signs described in the video.
  • @user-yr3ze9hc7o
    Maybe felines, trying too gets attentions,also its'nt any longer shocking, abouts life's changed,also they's can be annoyance, they's needed too compreh...humanities, have 's a life's too moved on, if don't realized, its...cats needed too moved on, or leaved