I bought the shoes that make you walk faster


コメント (21)
  • @emmajane7055
    Maybe you should wear shoes that make you stop uploading
  • @tangiblesofa
    Hey Drew, I think you should start a local tourist guide tour service where you walk around with your moonwalkers, and they have to try to keep up with you as you tell them lies about the city
  • @cyprus_9252
    Those young men are so nice to that poor little blonde boy. It's wonderful to see that there are still charitable people out there.
  • Somehow Jarvis was the only one who looked even mildly natural and human in his walk, everyone else looked like they had explosives strapped to their feet.
  • I love the absolute audacity of an engineer saying, “it’s a lot worse on video for some reason?” I could actually write an essay on how ludicrous that statement is
  • I love how they make you look like a character in a videogame that has an improperly-tuned walk cycle.
  • First he got taller, now he's going faster. He's becoming unstoppable
  • A super annoying issue in game design is syncing character footstep animation rate with the speed they walk. We notice it even if it's really subtle. These shoes are a perfect example of how uncanny it looks.
  • A horror story in one sentence: For sale- one pair of moon shoes, hardly worn
  • I love them advertising as "the ultimate cardio machine", it's like they found out it was more labor intensive to use them than regular walking and had to re-market them
  • @gollygod
    I think Jarvis hit the nail on the head with the "I feel like I wish I was wearing rollerblades, because then I'd have more control." Like at least then you'd be able to turn
  • @CZsWorld
    Try wearing them on the treadmill
  • @SHRUGGiExyz
    Wow! Those shoes really are like walking on the Moon: the huge financial investment, years of training, incredible toll on the body, likely to cause your death... They even got the detail where you and 3 other men share an experience few other living beings every will!
  • They should have a treadmill setting, where the wheels go in reverse and force you to walk in place.
  • @mateahissorry
    The price wasn't for the shoes, it was for the instructional video. You have NO idea how hard it is to find someone who can teach you how to walk.
  • I love how just listening to the shoes, if you have worked with electric motors at all you can go, "Oh, that's the sound of really cheap motors straining very hard."
  • @salaciaowl
    you should wear the shoes to whatever marathon Danny will be in and try to beat him
  • @NakeyJakey
    hehe yeah drew mine do that too! UwU looks down at crocs covered in wires and tape
  • @OneTopic
    $1,400.00 USD for electric Heelys. Genius.
  • When I first heard of these I thought they were a redesign of the moonshoes that were like trampolines for your feet. Would've been a better idea honestly lol.