I Tried James Baldwin's Writing Routine

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to write like James Baldwin? In this video, I immerse myself in Baldwin's legendary writing routine, exploring his habits, inspirations, and the discipline that made him one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. Join me on this journey as I attempt to channel Baldwin's spirit and discover its impact on my writing process.#JamesBaldwin #Baldwin100

Happy 100th Birthday to James Baldwin on August 2, 20204!!!

🔗 Resources & References [affiliate links]

📚: “GOD MADE MY FACE: A COLLECTIVE PORTRAIT OF JAMES BALDWIN”: bookshop.org/a/23229/9781954947092
📚: “James Baldwin 3-Book Box Set”: bookshop.org/a /23229/9780593688120


00:00- introduction
01:37 Baldwin's Writing Routine, Schedule, and Background
04:15 The Writing Routine experiment begins
15:29 Writing Reflection and Outro


MY BOOK - "WHEN THEY TELL YOU TO BE GOOD".... bookshop.org/a/23229/9781953534422
For business inquiries, email: pr.shakur@gmail.

コメント (21)
  • I’m 27 seconds in but I can see why so many writers were/are alcoholics cus I went drinking last night and thought of the perfect short story up while I was tipsy 😂
  • I like this experimental video. What I take from James Baldwin's writing routine is he made time for life (daily) while writing.
  • I love James Baldwin. I knew someone who said that she used to spend her summers in Paris with him when she was a little girl. He was a close friend of her family, who were educators, and she called him her Uncle Jimmy. She said he was a wonderful man.
  • Interesting concept. Had no clue he was such a night owl. I like to be up late too but not working on stuff.
  • @Arron413
    It appears that you are having fun! Good for you.
  • lol I really like whiskey but not everyday & waking up at noon geez. You are spot on about how we often only kno writers as the finished work & not the process, how good was they at keeping familiar, friend etc relationships together. This may have been on perfect day Baldwin writing routine. That timeline is something else. I’m writer myself poetry, plays. Been working on developing a routine or as a writing workshop instructor told me having good writing rituals.
  • I'm a bit of a typewriter nerd and my heart skipped a beat when I saw your Smith Corona. I do my best writing on a manual 1957 Underwood.
  • This video is so beautifully edited. Been in a writing slump recently and this gave me a little bit of inspiration to pick back up on this novel idea I've had floating around in my head for months.
  • Your channel is one of the most nutritious channels i've come accross in a while. Thank you
  • I would argue that working on your podcast/social media/your book proposal are justified as "writing" and should count toward the routine hours. Baldwin didn't have the technology we do now and that work is equally effective if not more so to get one's ideas and words out to a large audience. I feel like these writers may have also had the opportunity to be kept, so to speak, by wealthy patrons sometimes. I'm not sure about Baldwin or other black writers of the day but I know that historically so many artists were able to create because rich people fed and housed them - something we don't have so much these days.
  • Super interesting video concept. James Baldwin is my favorite writer and civil rights figure I’m in the middle of reading “another country” right now. Can’t wait to see the next video Prince.
  • we heard you gurrl! love the experiment and how you're exploring your relationship with/ perception of Baldwin. :glasses-purple-yellow-diamond:
  • This popped up on my recommended and I'm so glad it did! As someone with a similar daily schedule to James Baldwin minus the drinking and the socializing (and tbh minus the writing most days), I can confirm that I am bad at life maintenance. Would be interested in hearing more of your thoughts about the struggling artist stereotype
  • @as.5888
    Can’t believe I just found this channel. Keep up the awesome work!!
  • @bonjocoffee
    that's pretty cool that you're diving into every aspect of his routine including the drinking and smoking lol. pretty badass.
  • I loved this! It would be really fun to see you do this with other writers that have inspired you
  • your laughter. if that ain't jimmy spirit right there 💗💗💗💗💗