Final Fantasy 1 Part 1: A Fantasy Begins

Published 2024-05-23
Kuro: Hmm. So this is Cornelia huh? Gotta admit, I was kinda looking forward to a Vacation here. But what the heck is going on?
Aero: I dunno man, but I don't like it. Something definitely feels off here.
Cole: Well I'll tell you one thing. The ground definitely shouldn't be rotting like this. It feels...... off. Like the lands are dying off or something.
Light: Hmm. Takes a moment to sense anything wrong around here Hmm. I don't like it. I can feel a great evil here. Kuro, what's the plan?
Kuro: Breathes in and breathes out Hmm. Well Cole, what do you think?
Cole: I think you guys should look down. Wonder what these are. Orbs of some kind?
Kuro, Light, and Aero look down and see four orbs just sitting there
Kuro: Hmm. Definitely more Artifacts. But what are these doing here?
Light: Hmm. I dunno. But perhaps it would be wise to keep these with us for the time being? I feel like these could be important to something.
Aero: Since when were you the observant one Light?
Light: Hey, I'm certain these aren't just valuable Orbs with a price tag on them. These could be important to something.
Kuro: Alright, enough arguing you two. Sheesh, no more than five minutes out here and the two of you are already at each other's throats. Bro's right. These might be of importance to something. So keeping these with us might be necessary.
Cole: No offense, but these might just be regular things of Treasure. You're positive these are worth keeping with us?
Kuro: Light's never off man. Besides I know you feel that evil energy in the air. It's like dealing with the Makuta all over again. That guy definitely wants something from me. He had a reason for saving me back at the Island.
Light: Makuta? That nutjob? Why would the Makuta have his eyes on you?
Kuro: I wish I knew. I think it's best I try to keep tabs on him for the time being. I don't want him trying to hurt anyone around here. Besides I needed the fresh air anyway. For now we should stay close. If anything does attack us, we attack back. Also, am I crazy or does this feel very medieval like?
Light: Huh. It kinda does. Then again, what did I expect from a place called Cornelia?
Aero: Hmm. Well it would be wise if we entered the place and look around. Don't wanna be attacked out here.
Cole: Agreed.
Kuro and Light: Aye!
Cole then leads the others to Town which is safely guarded by a bunch of Guards
Kuro: Place looks heavily guarded Cole. What's your plan?
Cole: Hmm. Our first plan of action would be to head to a couple of shops to get ourselves geared up. You guys look like you need some new clothes anyway. Kuro especially. You got your ass beat pretty bad last time.
Kuro: Armor huh? Rubs the back of his head Eh, I guess that works for me.
Cole: Mhm. Speaking of getting set up with some cool stuff, do you even know how to use a Sword?
Kuro: Swordplay? Can't say I'm well familiar with it.
Cole: Hmm. How about you Aero?
Aero: Hmm. Can't say I've had much practice with a Sword. Besides Kuro's got all kinds of stuff to use.
Cole: Alright, time we upped you two a bit. Let's see what we can do.
They both head into the Armor Shop and buy some weapons
Kuro: Hmm. Tries to get a feel for the new Sword he bought Hmm. Odd weapon choice really.
Aero: I got a good feel for mine. Nice, fast, and feels easy to use.
Light: The Hammer I got feels good. How about your weapon bro?
Kuro: Again, I'm familiar with ranged weapons. Hopefully the next Town over has a Crossbow or something I can use. I left my Magma Grenade Launcher at home. For various reasons.
Cole: Hmm. Well it wouldn't hurt to try something new for a change.
Kuro: If you say so.
Light: Looks around Town and sees a Magic Shop Hmm. Heads inside and picks up a few things
Kuro: Find anything good Light?
Light: A few things actually. I got something called Dia, which lets me dispose of the undead quickly, Heal, which sounds blatantly obvious, and Blink, which raises someone's evasion. I feel like these might come in handy.
Kuro: Hmm. I see.
Cole: Nice dude.
Aero: Indeed. But we should be focusing on the Artifacts we just picked up.
Kuro: Hmm. Think there's someone in Town that might know what these things are?
Cole: Probably. Maybe someone might fill us in?
Aero: Hmm. Might I suggest trying one of the Guards? Maybe they might have some intel?
Kuro: Ya know, I'm giving that idea more thought than I probably should. You sure this is gonna work?
Aero: Do you have any brighter ideas?
Kuro: Fair point.
Cole: Hmm. Let's go.
The main four then go talk to the Guard and takes the four to the King of Cornelia. After getting themselves situated, they then find themselves on a mission to save the King's Daughter Sarah from Garland who was once in the King's service. Did their mission succeed? Well.....

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