The BEST and WORST Gadgets in Brawl Stars!


コメント (21)
  • @looki4561
    5:30 the Emz gadget being worst is just the Showdown experience speaking ngl. You can finish off some people quite nicely with that gadget actually. Id never, ever even consider it being top 5 worst. Id much rather expect the one Gus gadget being there. Or crash test. Or Doug's healing thingie. Or Pearls healing thing, because this one is actually so much worse than the other, Emz's other gadget is still a solid option. If we're mentioning gadgets where the other option is soo much better, might as well throw Buster's and Dynamike's gadgets into the mix as well.
  • @PokeLuke1624
    Of course the No. 1 gadget is vanish, my dad invented that one 💀💀 Edit: I don't really know why people do these, thanks for all the support I guess!
  • @leonlopez9178
    The best gadgets are the friends we made along the way
  • @Serri549
    Frank’s double damage gadget is just a better version of Doug’s. It pull people in, interrupts certain abilities, and doesn’t make him lose anything, while Doug’s makes him lose the healing on the attack.
  • Larry and lawrie gadget: swap order is the worst gadget of the game rigth now, it literally turns you damage into a level 1 meg 💀
  • @matht8884
    the emz gadget can be good in ranked when the opponents do not pick edgar or some kind of brawler which can jump over walls or rush you. it also depends on what your teammates pick and its situational. but it can be a good way to surprise your enemies as all of them know the push one but not the one which u can shoot thru walls. so u can't really say its the "WORST" gadget. very good against throwers or to final kill opponents hiding behind walls. (i am an masters player and i can have an opinion on this. i have used the 2nd gadget for ranked and it works)
  • @amistupid3175
    Please make an advance guide like fishing for ammo, getting more valuable super, when to preassure the enemy, and how to not save super for the next game
  • @Azz_Abasah
    Can we agree on that dynamike stun gadget is so annoying especially those camping dyna mains
  • 5:17 As an EMZ main, I beg to differ: it allows you to take cover or finish retreating enemies that are behind cover and sometimes forces people to give up their hiding spot
  • @HvsAltaccount
    5:04 The swap gadget could be useful in knockout and heist because if your teammates are still alive and you are are low and about to die and your twin is still alive you can use the gadget and then your twin can become thrower while you are dead
  • You may be right in the Larry gadget being bad, but tbf it is super fun to make him and yourself throwers, which is possible if you super, gadget, super dies, super again, gadget again.
  • 3:38 It used to be mid, but when Lawrie got a very high nerf to his damage, it became straight up useless.
  • 3:40 And they nerfed this gadget back when they nerfed Lawrie's damage. Now you do even less damage then it used to.
  • The gadget “order:swap” makes the gameplay even worse, like who thought of this gadget😭