I just realised Spider-Man could do this..

Published 2023-11-21

All Comments (21)
  • @swaggymungdaal
    tempest seems to get about the same amount of enemies either way, but something about symbiote yank is WAAAAAY more satisfying to do
  • @sunnyblack3359
    I'm pretty sure they made this segment specifically for the player to do this, everything just lines up perfectly with those abilities
  • Wearing a red suit almost makes him look like he's got organic webbing and is just done with everyone's shit
  • @ly0nh4rt
    Peter Mercer: The Spider Prototype
  • @RiderlessHarp47.
    That power reminded me so much of Prototype. I hope more Prototype games come out eventually.
  • Tempest is better for bosses solely because it deals way more damage but Yank is crazy good for group encounters especially for non-symbiote enemies.
  • @Gat720Dua
    They call him the Symbiote Slayer.
  • @dweebie4844
    Spider-Man has finally achieved what I've been wishing for so long: Him being an unstoppable force to fear with like Doom but without the bully aspects...
  • @Anathema_009
    Now just wait for them to all spawn and THEN do the move. You’ll probably crash, but can’t say you didn’t have fun trying.
  • @chakinabox
    Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the..... 0:11
  • @ghostlyswat12
    I read the skills abilities and realised what the upgrade could do it was a no brainier what one I wanted
  • @mknwy
    That’s just Venom cosplaying as Spider-Man
  • @someguy1892
    Dude! The whole light flickering gimmick was amazing!!! I wish we got like one more moment like that
  • @KruCorn
    "hey man are you playing that spiderman game?" "Nah I'm playing parasite"
  • @LittleTrashKing
    Having both this and tempest equipped at the same time would be too good for crowd control so they had to make you pick one over the other and it's not fair!!! Give me both idc!!
  • @maxmas7036
    Symbiote yank is simply just THAT MOVE
  • @Osostratus
    I finished this game in fidelity mode so I forgot the frames were supposed to be move that fast because it looked so gorgeous on 4k UHD smart TV I said “eff 60 frames” 😂😭😭
  • @Threefast5u
    Gives off the "I'm not trapped in here with you; you're trapped in here with ME!" vibe