Andy Chambers On Specialist Games

Published 2023-10-28
I went and met with Andy Chambers at his home, and got to hear some of the stories on the Games Workshop Specialist Games: Battlefleet Gothic, Epic 40k, Gorkamorka and Necromunda. Really great to hear the details on how these games were developed and perceived at the time!

Time references for each game:

BFG: 00:00
Epic: 03:35
Gorkamorka: 08:55
Necromunda: 12:52

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All Comments (21)
  • @atheist_addict
    This can’t be right, Andy Chambers has a mullet and is about 30.
  • @kellydavis3108
    These guys were my heroes. Andy, Jervis, Rick, etc. Back when GW let designers be seen and recognized. The era of specialist games and 'zines was golden
  • @TheFleahost
    Chambers leaving GW was the beginning of the end for me. They still had some amazing talent that loved the games but turning corporate was a clear writing on the wall.
  • @cavemanbum
    Nearly 30 years on, and Necromunda is STILL my absolute favorite miniatures skirmish game to play. Chambers is truly a design genius, and I'm forever in his debt.
  • @totallyrobot
    I think that for me, beyond the ridiculous value of documenting these foundational designers from GW's early days, finally hearing their voices is just so rad. Humanizing my heroes of game design whose voices I have only read in print. Thank you Tom, and thank you Andy, for the time and effort to make these. orz
  • @chappy4756
    I will always remember being in awe of Andy's Skaven army from way back in the day
  • I love that his office looks exactly like mine with miniature and hobby stuff all over the place 😂
  • @topdogger191
    These guys made a lonely bored kids life bearable. Loved this period of games workshop. Thanks to all the devs, artists and lore makers.
  • @RyanF1313
    I love BFG and EPIC and the creativity of old Games Workshop. So much is lost.
  • @ToffeeDW
    I remember reading about Andy's Piscina IV Campaign in White Dwarf still all these years later. It was an incredible map campaign set in WH40k and really showed how you can bring the background/fluff to life in your games. Huge respect to him for his work at Games Workshop!
  • @doghou5e
    Summed up a lot of my own feelings on the current state of GW with a transition from a games company to an editions company. I loved Gorkamorka, easily one of my all time favourite games, same with Necromunda, Battlefleet Gothic and Blood Bowl. Amazing times, Andy is one of the generation of rock god level games designers in my book.
  • @mikeydolman3926
    For me Andy is a legend among legends, so much of my childhood fun was due to his creations.
  • @Redmow51
    Battlefleet Gothic is my all time favorite game. Fantastic. And Andy Chambers was the face of GW. To me anyway.
  • I think Necromunda, with its campaign system, was the best game that GW ever made. My group of of friends had the best time with it, and we wrote an underhive newsletter to document our games, and our gangs developed feuds and personalities, lucky and cursed gangers. I think the only thing that would have made it better would have been if all the gangs had been in multi-part plastic with loads of spare parts and weapons. Much appreciate all the work done on that. (We enjoyed Gorkamorka too!)
  • @Kreated_by_khaos
    For me epic was the bees knees , and warhamster a close second, i just loved big armies on a board
  • @cavemanbum
    The Andy Chambers from White Dwarf #187 (July, 1995) is how I will forever remember him. All hail Lord Varlak! 😭
  • @kwalkrkcco4397
    My first miniatures games were ManOWar, Space Marines/Titanicus and Battlefleet Gothic. Still play them to this day. Truly was a golden age at GW back then.
  • @brendanflynn2965
    It was a grand time, it was a fun time and it was the old grognards like Andy, Jes, and Rick that made it what it was. That and the fact the bean counters did not yet sap all the joy from it. The designers were having a ball and it showed in the products they made Necromunda and Mordhiem to me were the pinnacle but Epic and Warmaster and even the Historical stuff was a delight to play. Thanks you guys for some of my favorite times. I still play Necromunda on occasion (YakTribe rules) and enjoy it thoroughly.
  • Andy was the Goat of GW. He helmed all my favorite games and peojects.
  • Ah. Gorka morka. One of my favourites. The trukk in this game was later put into the 40k ork army rosters. Loved it!