The Way of Peace Audiobook by James Allen

The Way of Peace is an inspirational classic that should not be missed by anyone interested in accessing spiritual transcendence. Here James Allen (author of As a Man Thinketh) details how one might reverse the pain that comes from living for the self. After identifying life's common spiritual traps, he then teaches how to overcome these obstacles and enter a world free of pain, hate and fear. Endlessly thought-provoking, Way of Peace is a treasure-trove of wisdom from a voice informed by truth.

Chapter Headings:

Chapter 1: The Power of Meditation
Chapter 2: The Two Masters, Self and Truth
Chapter 3: The Acquirement of Spiritual Power
Chapter 4: The Realization of Selfless Love
Chapter 5: Entering Into the Infinite
Chapter 6: Saints, Sages, and Saviors
Chapter 7: The Realization of Perfect Peace

About the Author: Born in 1864, James Allen is just now gaining recognition for a small but still prescient body of inspirational books and poetry. Living his life in England, Allen worked as an executive secretary until retiring at the age of 38 to live out the rest of his days in quiet contemplation. The result of these 9 years of self-examination is a body of work that has finally found its way to popular attention. Allen died at the age of 48 in 1912, leaving behind a legacy that would help inspire the modern self-help movement.

The Way of Peace by James Allen was published in 1907 and is in the public domain. This audio book was recorded by and is narrated by Patrick Seitz. Copyright © 2006 LearnOutLoud, Inc. Any reproduction or illegal distribution of the content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned.

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コメント (21)
  • This read came through auto play, what a blessing. IAM learning, the flow of creativity comes with peace. After 5 years of sobriety and loving my shadow, Lolol....I know I have gained something cuz I am loving while I drive, where in the past, rage. Selfless Silent Service Always.
  • I did not know how selfish I truly was, and here I thought I was walking in truth. Thank you for opening my eyes. Now the work can truely begin.
  • Yes ~ Lord Jesus! Please Continue to Help and Guide Us into Your Truth! We Thank You for Destroying every stronghold and Setting Us FREE!
  • 3yrs later the self is a faint memory never new life could be so much better without vanity or pretty things that are just material. Meditation is freedom it truly is 💫
  • This book and many others are a wonderful testimony of the gifts 🎁 that great hearts ♥️ have left in written instructions for easing the lives of generations to come…… bowing to their generous hearts ❤for courageous to care and express love for those they would never meet in physical life🎉 celebration 🎉 of life in all. Thank you Thank you Thank you for uploading this and many other gifts 🎁 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🎁
  • @UnLikeU
    Thanks for this. 💛💛💛💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
  • Can't stop listening my life has changed ...I keep going back and getting more releasing self even deeper healing amazing ..Truth ! Source Divine Creator today I ask to be my highest self my truest self a prayer I was taught by my sponsor 3 years ago .wow trip its all connecting!!✌️🙏🧘✨🌜🌞
  • Isn t wonderful how wisdom grows deeper and deeper . . . . .there is always more .Thank you for this beauty .
  • precious for those with ears to hear, beautifully written by a true pilgrim who has walked the path of which he speaks.
  • Thank you for this...the reader does an excellent job too....
  • This is very worthwhile and noble to learn, practice, apply live. Good to hear your reading. Thank you for being here.
  • Listening 🎧 to this while my spriggan tend to our 98 year young returning to Glory grand mater familia. Thank you it felt better
  • Every cord is cutting. As the tree trimming begins. That's why I shared it. Thank you 😊 💓 I know!!!