Published 2017-12-13

All Comments (21)
  • What about the I-don't-know-what-to-read-I-wanna-read-everything-but-I-don't-wanna-read-anything-Slump?
  • Is it possible to be in all types at once because that’s me rn
  • you forgot the "just finished a really good book and no other book can really compare" reading slump, where the last book you read was so good and touched your soul, and while you want to read other books - nothing really strikes your fancy :/
  • @Annaromeos12
    No 6: The " I should read this book for school but I don't want to, but I cant read anything else because I feel like I should be reading the one assigned for school" slump Im not good with titles.
  • @carahamelie
    or the "I just read the best book ever and any other book I pick up will suck in comparison" slump
  • The 'everyone is loving this book so i'm probably going to love it too oh no I'm not loving it why am I not loving it i'm gonna force myself to finish it" slump A catchy name
  • The worst reading slump is when you read a book you dearly loved and everything after it just feels meh to you.
  • @NicoleMoon
    Who's in a reading slump right now? Cause same
  • @zzzeina3566
    β€œLet’s take him to book jail” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ love this. I’m currently buying a lot of books but not reading them because I’m overwhelmed by the number of books on my TBR
  • @maelleth1
    If you don't know what a reading slump is, you're the luckiest son of a b*tch in the world. xD
  • @melodygu3art
    I just got out of a reading slump that was almost a year long and now I want to read EVERYTHING. Watching booktube videos made me want to buy and read more books
  • @brittloos1334
    I know the feel of the reading slump, it's awefull, but isn t it the best feeling in the world when you finish the first book after a reading slump <3
  • @skylargerman03
    I keep forgetting that you reorganized your book shelf and every time I see it I get SHOOK
  • @BookLionQueen
    No. 6 β€œMy anxiety sometimes makes me want to read so bad but I actually can’t. I can’t even force myself to read. I want to read but I go into an anxiety attack if I try” slump.
  • @livnoe6431
    That last reading slump is me right now with finals 😭
  • @rainlathrop5243
    The slump I've been in for about a year now is the "I'm too busy writing my own book to read an actual book" slump...still don't know how to get out of it.
  • @Blue81111
    And I will also add the "I have so many amazing sequels and I don't know what to read first" reading slump!
  • @fruityogurt2536
    I'm in a huge reading slump. I've been in one for a few months SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEE