Woman uses car to destroy Canoga Park taco restaurant

Publicado 2024-08-10

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @exploreraa983
    Those poor people, just trying to live the American dream by running a restaurant. I hope that woman goes to prison.
  • @crtmojo2705
    Rough neighborhood. Even the witnesses have black eyes.
  • I would never use my car to destroy a taco restaurant, but I've destroyed some tacos in my car.
  • @tommydong8070
    Another report said she was a scorned ex-employee. She vandalized one of the shop’s taco trucks, sat in jail for a few days, got released and went do that to the shop.
  • Great reporting: No footage of the driver or her arrest No answer for motive No details about the woman No explanation why witness had a black eye (guessing unrelated)
  • Poor woman, Bailey, who gave her a black eye, she's the real victim.
  • @lucillefav
    Damn no film of the actual driver's arrest
  • She wrecks her car wrecking the restaurant and totally wrecks the rest of her life. How stupid can some people really be? Shalom
  • "these people" and their fast food rampages are just wild. Blasting ppl over guacamole, parking spots, missing chicken nuggets, etc.
  • @blexyyt1887
    Cop: Nobody’s injured: the girl with the black eye 👁.💀😂
  • @standdown4929
    She was a summer employee from 4 years ago, and recently vandalized one of their taco trucks. She spent 2 nights in jail for that, got out and did this. Her family works there, including her mother who has worked there for 8 years.
  • @OutIaw187
    Taking Drive-Thru to a whole other level
  • That’s assault with a deadly weapon. I don’t think “non-lethal” was appropriate 🤔😳😬🙄