"Wild Times" story

Published 2016-06-08
There might be sound glitch, but that was in original file provided by 4chan anons.

All Comments (21)
  • @swxxtss3013
    I actually wish they kept this like, just seeing THIS unfinished, idea, basically, felt like i watched an entire movie itself, like, wtf disney. I loved this so so so much
  • Just going to say it They missed out on an entire part of Disney park with this idea
  • @wildfirefox1
    "The whole plot revolved around them taking off their tame collars. In the story, it just...didnt have a place." Dude you can hear the sadness when he says that. I'd much prefer the collar version of this movie. Nick would have made a much better protagonist
  • @killbot1476
    Disney: oh what a splendid idea! BUT I DONT CARE! the animators: we are going to release this footage anyway
  • If I made this a prequel, I would make it about Nicks father and how Wild Times taught prey animals that shock collars were not necessary any more. At least that's how it would fit.
  • @TheJoukai
    I'd drop everything and go to Disney world immediately if they opened a Wild Times themed section of the park. No joke.
  • @Crazy-vb9oz
    No wonder nick is the best character. He has like an entire other movies thought in him. A whole background to his personality. Much more complex.
  • @catchannel1484
    My dad was an animator for this movie, so I know one of the reasons they didn't go with this idea is because they thought the shock collar thing was to dark and inhumane for a place that's supposed to be considered perfect. Edit: To anyone who wants to talk about my dad, please don't. This comment was meant for me to give a reason why this version of the movie wasn't the end result, not to talk about my dad. Edit: To anyone who says that that was the entire point of the movie, I know, but that wasn't the point I was making. The point is that it wasn't subtle at all.
    They could still use this storyline for a sequel/prequel tbh
  • @fwzel
    Predator attends collage Predator is a successful student Predator is praised by piers and teachers Predator gets diploma Predator: WOOHOO! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY- SHOCK
  • @randomopotato
    The concept of the tame collar really drives in the message of oppression more. Maybe in a sequel, we could have nick and judy visit another country where the discrimination against predators are even worse and this is where we would see the usage of the tame collar. Not only are we able to bring back the concept of the tame collar, but now we can also put in parallels to how discrimination varies in different degrees across the world.
  • @StardustWhip
    I love the Zootopia that we ended up getting, but... I would be lying if I said I didn't wish we could see this version. It's such an interesting concept, I have to wonder what it would've been like as a full movie...
  • @phantomstrider
    The shock collar made the message even more powerful. I can see it was a little too risky to implement for Disney. But it added a dark, beautiful twist from what I've seen.
  • @twilightsky1580
    They fleshed it out so much...I'd totally pay to see this version!
  • This needs to be Disney’s separate adult animation. This would be so good as an adult series.
  • There was actually a scene where judy and nick are sneaking through a birthday party where a baby polar bear gets his collar, and he thinks it's a big celebration because it means he's a big bear now, so they clip it on and he's excitedly laughing and being an excited CHILD, and his father is BEGGING him to calm down, but it's too late, he's given a harsh zap, the room goes quiet and the cub breaks down into tears and runs to his dad for protection
  • @UDOD0NE
    I hate the fact that this sounded way more interesting that the one we got
  • @juliaxiaoa
    Dude this is such an amazing idea. I really REALLY hope they can find a way to bring this back whether it's in a different movie or a zootopia sequel. Unfortunately, I don't think it'll work in a sequel but I really wish I could see it with the characters I already know, especially Nick.
  • The fact they already animated a lot of the scene’s already is so heartbreaking. They should have made this