Is Canada accepting too many international students? | About That

The federal government is reportedly considering capping the number of international students allowed to study in Canada. Andrew Chang breaks down why experts say international students are both integral to the economy — and straining an overburdened housing system.

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コメント (21)
  • @lesliengo8347
    Basically, Canada is not setting boundaries on how many international students it can handle.
  • You know things are bad when the CBC is echoing that Immigration levels are a problem. I don't think there are many Canadians out there who think immigration is bad or that it's their fault, but the LEVEL of immigration we have right now is too much.
  • 90% of international students are not coming to Canada for studying, and they are not paying disproportionately exorbitant fees for Canadian education or degrees. They know they are paying a hefty amount to buy Canadian citizenship.
  • @dango4ever719
    There are way too many. Canada is just one giant diploma mill. Ontario and BC are just states of India now. This is ridiculous.
  • Finally the media is picking up on this. Has been a problem for at least 4 years.
  • @AbramSJA
    We need to slow down immigration until our social services and infrastructure can catch up. Shut down the diploma mills already.
  • @centinela1981
    The International students accepted were not just young college students, but mature students who came with their partners and children.
  • What I am actually worried about is the fact a high school student cannot get a job because some guy named Navdeep or Harmanjit has already taken the job.
  • @WoWmeister69
    Get rid of these diploma mills. These students are coming here and not even getting a real education. Funny thing is most of these students don't even want to go to school. They would rather work and get a PR. Absolutely ridiculous.
  • This Canadian wants immigration to slow right down. We need to focus on Canadians and get this country back in order.
  • @ramboram03
    Canada is attracting the worst kind of international students, poorly educated, poor civic sense, rural men from Northern India esp Punjab. I said this many years ago, to my parents, you're going to see a collapse in social cohesion and we are seeing it in real time. This is having a disastrous effect on health care too, my father waited for 9 hours to get a scan, he lives with me now in the US and it took him 45 minutes to get a scan!!!
  • @MyMelody5
    Most of the international students are coming from just one country too…
  • @orobleh77
    Some of them don’t even go school. They go under and work in the underground economy
  • I work for the BC provincial government, and part of my job is to hunt for homes to house women who are escaping violence. After spending 3 months searching for homes in Surrey, I've seen anywhere between 10-22 individuals living in a modest sized home. These homes are often very well run-down, have poor plumbing, and many illegal suites, and I've literally seen people sleeping in closets. Landlords can get away with this because the students from India don't care, don't have a choice, or are used to this standard. What the federal government is doing is unbelievable, allowing many people into the country. Just because international students come from places where they can sleep on top of each other doesn't mean they should allow it to happen here, reducing the living standards for everyday tax-paying Canadians. Despicable.
  • @WoodEe-zq6qv
    1 in 40 people in Canada is an international student. Last year we let in the same amount of new immigrants as the USA, a country with 10x our population. Let that sink in.
  • @scottgue8767
    Caught in the middle of this is Canadian nationals. I rented a room and got 100 replies from mostly international students. all competing with citizens. The government and people need to consider the citizens needs before students.
  • @LN_06
    Andrew Chang's mini-documentaries are the best thing to come out of CBC in a long time. Protect this man at all costs.
  • @3TYKX
    CBC is having this conversation like 8 years too late.
  • we can't even afford a bachelor, our own kids are forced out of our own universities. Housing and our Hospitals are overflowing.
  • @superflykitty
    Yes! Canada is accepting too many international students. My neighborhood is inundated with Indian students due to the private colleges near by and the rents have sky rocketed. There is no available homes or apartments to rent. Very frustrating.