Strange Things That Never Made Sense About JFK's Assassination

Published 2024-07-17
Over 60 years later, we're still obsessed with John F. Kennedy's assassination, and with good reason. Here are just some of the bizarre facts that have us still wondering what really happened in Dallas that day.

#JFK #President #JohnFKennedy

Oswald's Mexico City visit | 0:00
The June Cobb Connection | 1:15
Post-defection Oswald | 2:21
Secret Service inaction | 3:20
Who was the babushka lady? | 4:23
The autopsy argument | 5:21
Autopsy inconsistencies | 6:14
The Cuba connections | 7:29
The Kennedy-Giancana Connection | 8:46
Oswald's police interview | 10:03
Missing records | 10:53
The President's brain | 12:02
Doubt within the CIA | 13:08
Oswald's missing KGB file | 14:39

Voiceover by: Tim Bensch

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All Comments (21)
  • @GrungeHQ
    What do you think is the strangest thing about JFK's assassination?
  • the fact that there are documents that are unreleased and classified tells you all you need to know. Whoever wants to keep information hidden is likely your culprit.
  • You missed another strange story. The story of Dorothy Kilgallen. She was a newspaper reporter and also a host on the TV show "Whats My Line". She was investigating the Kennedy Assassination and had several interviews with Jack Ruby. They found her dead in her NY apartment in 1965.
  • @Eric-qo8vv
    We don’t know a lot because CIA doesn’t want us too
  • @LinkLich
    Strange stuff.. much like a 20 year old with no social media.
  • @ranulf8477
    A lot of people claimed that there had been a shooter behind the fence wearing a police uniform. Oswald was only the scapegoat.
  • @irataylor7102
    On his deathbed E. Howard Hunt, Jr. (1918–2007), former CIA officer, spy novelist, and co-leader of the Nixon White House ‘Plumbers’ and later ‘Watergate burglars’ in 1971-1972, allegedly ‘confessed’ on an audio recording organized by his son St. John Hunt, that he WAS present in Dallas on November 22, 1963 and was part of the ‘rogue CIA’ team who ‘might’ have participated in the JFK assassination, although he claimed to have been a support person only and was NOT an active shooter. I do NOT recall that he ‘confessed’ to being one of the ‘three tramps’ photographed by newsmen and briefly detained by Dallas PD on 11/22/1963. he and two other men were found hiding in a rail car below the shooting scene
  • The most important and disturbing question was why the individuals responsible for the JFK assassination were never caught or brought to Justice.
  • @xjcrossx
    By law they were supposed to release all the classified documents regarding this event. And they never did. Wonder why?
  • I think (and always have) that Oswald was set up. Maybe they gave him the gun, gave him directions, and said 'kid, we've got your back', then whoever 'they' were, took him out, once they had convinced everyone that oswald did it. When you think about it: the key players in that setup all died not long after Kennedy did. Oswald was filmed being openly led across an open doorway to another holding tank, and oh what a coincidence there's Jack Ruby juuuuust outside the door, he comes in and shoots Oswald. Ruby was, as I understand it, one of those guys who hangs around bars, police stations, etc. He was arrested and put in jail. Turns out, oh what a coincidence, he had stomach cancer and died soon after. Johnson couldn't wait and had himself sworn in at President on the plane. How eager can you get? It's fishy as hell and we may never know. it's been 60 years.
  • Oswald comes out of interrogation with his face battered and bruised. Wonder how many questions were asked; that why no stenographer?
  • @penski5969
    Lee was the fall guy and/or there were several shooters? 1:15
  • You mentioned that the presidential limousine's running boards were retracted. About ten years or so ago, I saw a YouTube video of Secret Service agents reacting to the order they had been given to retract the running boards. I don't recall at what point in the motorcade route the order was given, but the agents were stunned. One of them spread his arms and held out his hands, palms up, as of to say, " This is crazy! Why in the world would they want us to do that?"
  • @AD-uk6bt
    Why is Oswald getting murdered missing here?
  • @LBNLDC1
    Oswald wasn’t on the Sixth floor when Kennedy was shot. He wasn’t at 10th and Patton when Tippit was executed. Oswald was as he described himself a patsy.