Women warn of attacks by men in Houston

Published 2022-02-18
Two women in two different neighborhoods recount terrifying moments while they were simply walking down the street

All Comments (21)
  • @Kirra713
    It’s a damn shame when you can’t even take your baby out for a stroll or take a early morning walk.
  • @Grippsyours
    How you see a mother with her baby and do this shit?! Disgusting
  • @onikidman
    It’s so sad that women can’t even walk by themselves at ANY time of day... edit: I know men get attacked like this too… I only said women bc this video only mentions women… it’s absolutely sickening that this happens to people. Anyone. 💔😭
  • Glad she screamed for her husband specifically by name. I'll be sure to tell my wife to do the same even if she's not near me. The threat of another man who's attached to the lady should scare the attacker say pronto.
  • @Weeeewriter
    I can't help but feel angry whenever I see this kind of thing. A woman should feel safe in her own neighborhood, whether it's walking your dog or taking a walk with your baby, without some idiot wanting to attack her. Bunch of cowards, grow up.
  • @mattarchey9062
    Why do people think “if we catch him, we can put him away” bro…even if he got caught by police they’d probably just give him probation for attempted assault. People trust too much in other people protecting them.
  • @sandrap6321
    My elderly mother was slowly walking ahead of me from a Target store to our car parked far away from the entrance. The checkout line wait was too long for her to stand so she left ahead of me. As I was leaving the store, I saw a young guy standing in front of store watching my mom & start to follow her. I quickly got close behind him & jingled my keys just as he was a few feet behind her & he ran off like he was being shot at. I never told her she was being stalked like prey & I still regret 15 years later I didn't go back into Target to report this guy because he looked like he knew what he was doing & wasn't going stop.
  • @hectorlopez1069
    Be alert everywhere you go. Bad people out there, looking for trouble.
  • We are being openly Hunted, Tracked, and Targeted. Profiling is a survival instinct that should not be ignored.
  • @xmtzyz
    This is why I always keep a distance from women even if we’re walking in the same direction because I don’t want them to have the impression that I’m a threat.
  • @58170128
    On Friday I was walking with both my kids, holding their hands when I noticed someone suspiciously waiting for us to pass by. I stopped and turned the opposite way. I briefly looked behind and noticed he was walking our way. There was a crowd of people so I walked behind them and the stranger and I made eye contact. When I noticed he wasn’t stopping I literally pulled my kids close to me and crossed the street. There was a group of people walking on that side of the street so I lingered until the stranger started to cross over. At that moment I called out to a man who was about to enter a restaurant and told him that someone was following us. He told me to stay with him and he guided us into the restaurant. The stranger didn’t look all there mentally. He was whispering but was, for some reason, fixated on getting to us. The man asked him if he needed something and when he didn’t respond he questioned why he was following us and scared him away. This nice man walked my kids and I to my moms house which was just across the street. I felt so vulnerable with one kid on each hand and afraid of him trying to take one of my kids. I don’t know who the man at the restaurant is but I am so grateful for him!!
  • @QuietlyCurious
    Never screw around on your phone while out walking! Don't be distracted. And make eye contact soon as you notice someone headed in your direction. Let them know you see their a*s.
  • @SK-ut6tw
    I carry around a machete in my stroller. No, I'm not kidding either. I was attacked as a teenager by a man and it ruined my outlook on life so I don't want anyone else to ever have what happened to me happen to them.
  • @cpoky
    Aaaaand cops will get his identity and say "Sorry, we cant do anything because a crime wasnt committed."
  • @cirquedude123
    THATS EXACTLY WHAT A MAN WHO BROKE INTO MY HOUSE SAID “I just want to” and then I pushed him out and the police took him away but it was so terrible
  • Lawlessness is increasing worst luck. You can take it lightly but its terrifying. Thank goodness they're both ok.
  • @luvincoco1561
    This is terrifying! Thank goodness these ladies are okay. And thank goodness for home security so we can get an idea who this is. Blessings to these strong women. 🙏
  • Kudos to the woman who noticed the footsteps behind her and reacted quickly. This is why we as women, can't walk around looking at our phones or while listening to headphones. It's a horrible, horrible fact of life that we live in a world where we should expect the possibility of being assaulted at any and every moment. Just protect yourselves and carry at least one weapon because too many people are out to harm anybody they can.