Changing my Self image update day 60 of 90

Published 2023-05-23
This is my testimony to the law of attraction and how it worked for me in upgrading myself image. Several things have happened and opportunities have presented themselves to me that know are directly connected to my intentions.

All Comments (5)
  • @Cornelius419
    I am a subscriber brother this is Cornelius....I appreciate the information from your fellow DJINN/GIN Brother...thank you dearly brother...
  • @stani5360
    Awesome man, i love to hear stories like this. What i learned through reading TAGR is that all the stories have a similar thread that runs through them and that is persistence. Some people would give up after two weeks of not seeing results and seeing that you got results would really inspire people to persist💯.
  • The tips are what my Mentor told me to do... and I did them and my life has changed greatly.. I am forever grateful. I hope you find value in them. 1. Write out a statement of your Short Term Goal AND your Chief Aim/Main Goal... on a "goal card" or paper. 2. Write it out 50 times a day for 30 days preferably around the same time each day. After the 30 days, you go back and write it out ONCE a day. This is your compass in life. 3. Set your phone alarm to go off every 3 hours (to disrupt your daily routine) and when it goes off write down your statement and then close your eyes and see yourself with your goal for 2 mins. 4. Record your statement in your voice on a voice recorder on your phone, and play it back to yourself on loop while you sleep and as often as you can daily, example... in the shower or when you are using the rest room. 5. Find an accountability partner. If you cannot find someone, then you MUST write out your statement DAILY. By doing this you make yourself accountable to YOURSELF. 6. Find a community or FB group/group chat, etc and from that community form a Mastermind with one or two people who have studied from REAL Mentors and are giving VALUE. There is a "Law of Giving" and many people are using it. Andrew Carnegie told Napoleon Hill this back in the early 1900s. Its a LAW and it works. Its what I am doing with this post. 7. Auto-Suggest (Think and Grow Rich Chapter 4) to yourself in front of the mirror in the bathroom at least twice a day. Look directly INTO your eyes OR one eye and recite your WRITTEN statement. Then splash cold water on your face. This sudden shock seals the thought into the subconscious due to emotional and physical shock from the cold water. 8. Write out ten "I AM" statements a day. example. I AM happy, I AM more confident. Use the word MORE; implying you already have it, but want more. You trick the brain. 9. Write out 5 things you HAVE that you are grateful for and 5 things that you are grateful for that are coming to you. Mix up the list one after the other. 10. When in public tell people you see that you love them in your mind. Simply say "I LOVE YOU" to them as you pass them, especially when driving, because their subconscious hears and FEELS the intention. Say it to about 10 to 15 people daily. This increases your Good Karma. Hope you enjoy them
  • @pbl1285
    I am Phillip, and I am really grateful for this information. For a little over a year, I have been applying some of what you share, and I believe that is what attracted me to your channel, Earl Nightingale was the first audio I started listening to and from that point on my mind started to think differently. I need clarity on a few things. How can I get in contact with you, bro?