What is the Future of the Guard Competitive Meta

Published 2024-04-16
Outro Song! - Heroes Without Number (High Intensity): Dawn of War II - Eternal Beta OST

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All Comments (21)
  • Guard has so many options. Been playing them since October, really enjoying it. Going to a tournament on Saturday with 5leman russ, basilisk and a shed load of infantry! Wish me luck! o7!
  • @MilBard
    The Guard has so many playable style options that other factions will have problems even without a Guard codex. Off the top of my head these are the "Big Five" of Guard options: Armored Fist Company, Mech Guard, Foot Guard, Hybrid Guard, WW1 style Guard (indirect artillery w/infantry screen), and Elite infantry. And Guard can play across all five of those styles. Close Combat Guard might be a sixth style, but it isn't really gonna work with the current data sheets.
  • @LiliaArmoury
    mech guard was my first guard style of guard army i didn't have a lot of money for footslogger guard and at the time i had just got into using paperhammer templates printed on high thickness card which did well for me. one of my favorite memories from that time was using a chimera's twin heavy flamers to immolate a terminator squad. the two main guard lists i am focusing toward this edition with reguard to models are: - mech guard: my hektarian 3 mechanised started as mech guard and i want them to continue that way but i am limited with infantry for them as I conversion build their infantry, soon the regiment will be getting augmented with plastic malcadors as options become avalible and i gradually can afford them. - hybrid guard with abhuman spam guard end goal of this edition for guard list is between 6 and 18 ogryn and 9 to 12 bulgryn (i am conversion building ogryn from aos ogres that come in boxes of 6 and i need to buy another box or two of bulgryn to make the second squad but it's a lower priority till i get the first ogryn squad conversion finished, but with bulgryn turning 10 this week I almost bought another box till other commitments including getting a knight army up and running came into the picture
  • Creating my first Army ever and I choose guard! Pure infantry at first, but after watching many videos here I’ve decided to relent… and added two Carnadons and some Rapier Laser Destroyers to the list. What can I say? I like the uncommon units.
  • @BloodBuffalo
    Definitely a learning curve. Beat one of my friends SM vanguard detachment list for the first time last night. I don't care what anyone says. I threw the vanquisher in the list. It killed many things.
  • I must thank you MG for made me discover the mech guard; i played your adepticon list against a very strong WE player and really i saw the difference in battlefield control in comparison with other lists i played (i lost the match for less then 10 points but it gave me precious insights). I won against Orks, now let'see how it works against my archenemy necron canoptek court. Imho even if catachans would lose scout in the future codex i think mech guard will be the Go To in order to win games. Having 11 more wounds at T 9 and armor save 3+ it's infinitely better of having just 10 more men in the squad.
  • @venkelos6996
    The thing I'm wondering is how will all of this change when Guard finally gets their codex? Right now, they have one detachment, and while it's special ability doesn't necessarily lend itself to infantry, and it has enhancements few people actively use, it's success still depends upon it, and it's demonstrated such amazing flexibility, despite only having the one choice. I wonder what might happen once they have five more detachments? Will the current one get reworked in a way that makes it less flexible? Will it lose some Stratagems, to slide them over to more specialized detachments? What other themes will those detachments encapsulate? Obviously, it's probably going to be a long time till we get it; Guard are often famously left waiting till edition ends, or skipping them entirely, but it will be interesting to see if new detachments gimp their artillery, separate the infantry from the tanks some, and what. Custodes were good, and now they have their book, and the overall opinion is that they are on their way out, competitively, so it will be fun to see if Guard actually want their book, and more the stretching of, and specializing into, that it brings. If the necessary eggs will all still be in one good basket, or if the Departmento Munitorum will miscirculate assets, send ruin their war effort.😊 It will also be weird for them to possibly stay more competitive than the Astartes.
  • @jarvbricks7422
    I started building a guard army at the beginning of the year and could get hold of a basilisk tank so I now kit bashed a Solar Aux basilisk into my army.
  • @Wind-Whistler
    If artillery gets nerfed hard the new hotness will be mech guard supported by 2-3 deep striking Scion giga blobs as “pseudo-artillery.”
  • @pauldick8083
    I field 3 earthshaker carriages and 1 medus carriage. This allows me to control the primary while I use my mass infantry to do secondaries and primary
  • @Cronosification
    Rogal Dorn is a sick model....however I find it requires a higher level of skill than the LR to play on WTC terrain. Just so important to deploy it in the right spot....given how dense the ruins are.
  • @BloodBuffalo
    I've never not used Basilisks. Cool model is a cool model
  • @jimsutter2748
    You are definitely going to see a bunch of Basilisks. They are going to be available again, just in the Solar Auxilia variety. The new Solar Auxilia Russes are fantastic models and are only hampered for some (who are not into creative modeling solutions) because of the lack of sponsons. The incoming 30k Basilisks will not have that problem.
  • Ive been Mech guard at my local club for a few weeks now, and were a fairly competetive bunch sometimes. Ive played vs a full warhound chaos knight meta army with classic mech guard and went 100:54 for the guard. the guard WIPED the desert with the smelly knights :D
  • Seems like in the states, manticore/deathstrike kits are hard but not impossible to find, however every store I speak to hasn't seen a basilisk in years. Buying up combat patrols, tanks, and chimeras seems to be the only option because it's the only consistent option available. Maybe kill team kits for kriegsmen and kasrkin. Scions don't even seem to exist. Only ones I've managed to buy are a full command squad I pulled out of the bits bin.
  • @heralds
    Here's my meta, a crassus, 2 scions of ten, 2 scions command squads, and 2 ogryns bodyguards, equip them as needed for your mission, use them as an assault group
  • @dustinhaus1165
    Even if your artillery kills nothing. Most people will find it to absolutely terrifying
  • @LiliaArmoury
    it's not worth buying a lot artillery till after the ballance slate if you are a hobbyist on a budget. what i am dreading as a sisters player is that the exorcist gets nerfed with our new codex or the ballance dataslate, prior to tenth edition indirect fire was never baked in and now it's finally baked in but i am worried that won't last once the new book drops.