Back In The Day- Recent Pick Ups

Published 2021-11-08
Hey guys and gals! Today I'm showing off the games that I've purchased over the past couple of months.

All Comments (7)
  • Reddit can be a toxic place. I wouldn't worry about them. You've made rant videos before so I don't think anyone was off-put or alienated. Now if I randomly did a rant video then yeah, that would seem very odd and I think that would scare some people off LOL. Can't go wrong with a boxed NES game. Even if it is MLB. I've heard the Switch version of LoZ SS is better as well. The issue with the Wii version is that you had to keep recalibrating the Wii Remote after a while. It just felt odd and interrupted the game. There's also an annoying game design choice which I believe they changed as well. LoZ ALBW was a love letter to LTTP fans. Very familiar but new at the same time. The U.A.E. versions are usually cheaper. So it looks like you went on a Zelda binge haha.
  • Never apologize for something that you are passionate about bro. You spoke your mind. Great pickups and great video!
  • Sweet pick ups! It’s always awesome to see so much love for Zelda games. They are definitely worth the praise they get. It’s crazy when you showed off ocarina of time 3D. I like the original 64 game but I just can’t go back and play it much now a days. It just looks rough. So having the updated 3DS version that I can play mobile is super cool. Link between worlds is one of my favorite Zelda games. It reminds me so much of LTTP. I was really surprised I’m how much I got into it. I played it non stop till I beat it. That last dungeon was pretty damn tough. I also like how you can rent the items instead of buying them. I think that’s a good move for novice players. Plus I loved Hyrule warriors. It reminded me of Dynasty warriors like you said. But having the Zelda lore with the hack and slash gameplay was freaking awesome! Great video man. I’m slowly catching up to all the videos I didn’t get to because of work and holidays. I can’t wait for the next one bro!
  • Retro Reminiscence sent me this way. Glad to see wiiu getting some love.