Hallownest Ode/圣巢颂(animation)||Hollow Knight

Published 2022-04-08
Three months 'work!!!!!
I finished it!!

There's a lot of my understanding of Hollowknight story in the animation.Maybe...it is different with the game.But I hope you can enjoy it!!!!

On the other hand,after thinking, I only made a few English subtitles in animation.Because I found that my English is so poor that the subtitles are very unprofessional(つД`)I don't want inaccurate subtitles like this to affect your viewing,so I ended up not adding English lyrics.

But I will send the Chinese lyrics,and you can use the translator if you like.

I think I learned a lot in making the workXD.

Enjoy it(◦˙▽˙◦)

Program:after effect,procreate,flipaclip


All Comments (21)
  • @f-n-chabry6407
    English CC subtitles have been added !!!! If you want to get more accurate translation of what the lyrics mean,you can look here:flecks-of-stardust.tumblr.com/post/682474860300140… [Thanks to everyone who likes my work and helps me] [The lyrics were originally in Chinese] Lyrics: (by scpony) 彼威名荒野回响,驯虫兽功业始创, 奠圣巢克定远疆,四边传唱。 封印崩解梦染疫瘴,为承旧业重返故乡, 身负骨钉映耀寒芒,前路茫茫。 灯影黯亮,斜照数间房, 往日熙攘,今唯空帐。 名爵禄望诱诸生所往, 孓栖池浜,蛾逐荧光。 觊觎甲铁坚钢,假胄铠妄持强; 红裙一抹飞扬,舞丝线刃为纺; 戍国边疆螳螂,候敌手高座上; 求索祛疫青囊,渎魂酿祸殃; 顽据憩榻不让,周身蔓生晶矿; 孤塔幽影桀徨,众生尽纳瓮藏; 诱俘幻化形仿,悬尸骸无所葬; 愚者错戟交枪,血洒悦殁王。 雨若泪遍洗孤城,抬头眺高远苍穹, 舍身佑圣巢永恒,世代荫蒙。 云巅阙顶高塔守望,雾中峡谷档案馆藏, 深邃兽穴遍织罗网,以身铸障。 旧驿草荒,不见车马行, 断壁颓墙,难辨雕廊。 故址残躯恍,存素殿宫堂, 王图霸业,一枕黄粱。 挥毫江山入卷,幽府峻峦踏遍; 毅绝笑看艰险,誓圆身陨何怨; 大隐蛰市井间,昔锋起山岳撼; 解索残碑秘典,晦像吊佚贤; 骄纵妄逞狂言,幻中以一敌千; 伪名目饰贼念,墨财货作自敛; 遁形翠岭绝巅,刃封以笔寓剑; 逝族末嗣独全,付予梦相传。 苔主入眠,匿踪潜深潭; 白后去殿,根缚翠园; 意达永年,枯骨填九渊; 兴衰明灭,弹指挥间。 寻神迹至此邦,舞干戚祈恩降; 薪燃梦魇作访,共影焰舞一场; 忆中同胞满堂,秉誓言未曾忘; 寄情悼托柔芳,生死两相茫; 受遗命助锋芒,蓝湖一别断肠。 领君魂尘门敞,联虚空铭过往, 殿内对影成双,继前志恩怨偿, 剑指云端之上,断梦斩神光
  • @Northflowo
  • @yilein
    The best was rhose words at the end "obtain the mind. Acquire the will. No longer a vessel no longer the hollow knight"
  • I just watched this again and just noticed that the spirits of the Vessels who look at the Knight at 3:47 and 3:50 only appear after the Knight uses the Mothwing Cloak and the Monarch Wings that they got from them. It’s like they’re happy and proud that their abilities were used to help.
  • @chicken7482
    I was watching this at like 4 a.m and i was like "hey this is pretty cool" and then realized that this is in fact NOT made by an entire anime studio, but it's just made by ONE PERSON. THIS IS FUCKING INCREDIBLE
  • @greenbolt3365
    I absolutely adore this, especially quirrel and monomon at 2:30 is so sweet
  • @justswift5369
    3:45 made me feel the pure hype of that final climb all over again. Seeing the shades of fallen vessels rising up with you as you race to a terrified Radiance left me shaking. Never has a game made me feel like that before to such an extent, and I highly doubt a game will match that intensity for a long time. Amazing stuff.
  • @TellMeWai
    This is one of the best hollow knight animations I've ever seen The final scenes involving the radiance fight are all so good??? The flash backs to the knights climb in the abyss, the text that appears during the fight, and the ghosts of the vessels the knight got their abilities from appearing with them as they climbed are all so so good. You've absolutely outdone yourself and it's amazing.
  • @tooth2887
    love the 2:36 moment where Hornet just casually feeds midwife because that usually ends up being the only midwife speaks about with the knight lmao.
  • @Firefight_
    Things I love about this: 0:00 - the whole fuckin thing. 1:11 - the cracked mask detail, follows the death animation’s split. 1:18 - the whole choreography with the beast master is awesome. 1:34 - this transition is 😙🤌 2:00 - Cloth and the Knight fighting the Traitor Lord together was fun, even before it was animated like this! 2:12 - angry boi Zote. 2:20 - this dream nail sequence was hella gud. 2:31 - the Quirrel flashback was a really nice touch that I didn’t know I needed. 2:34 - Myla, the one we couldn’t protec. 3:07 - this whole walking shot dedicated to the DLC. 3:21 - Quirrel has always deserved to look this badass. 3:23 - GIT GUD 3:25 - the entire fight with the Hollow Knight and Radiance is amazing. 3:43 - Break the cycle. You are the Vessel, free of fate. ~chills~ 3:47 - the two failed vessels appearing to help with their respective item contributions was an awesome detail. 3:57 - this transition was Ascended. 4:10 - the whole fuckin thin
  • This is my favorite Hollow Knight animation. I think your version of the story is like how I saw the story too. The Vessel that we play as is not empty, and the other Vessels had emotions too. The Vessel we play as overcomes their fate and overcomes their past. I think your animation shows that very well. This made me very emotional. I really love the ending where all of the Vessel’s siblings come out and support them when they fight the Radiance!
  • @reinbew794
  • Oh my gosh BROOOOO! YOU ANIMATED IT SO WELL-!!! FIGHT ANIMATIONS, CHARACTERISTICS, I LOVE THEM ALL!! EVERYTHING IS VERY GOOD. I can't wait for more of your animation. thanks for your hard work! 💖🔥
  • @Luis1234
    INSANE!! the best Hollow Knight animation I've ever seen!
  • @tarot1361
    This is an absolute masterpiece. More people need to see this. It's so beautiful and it goes over all the lore so well. And all the jumping and fighting scenes are so impressive
  • @juicyfruit866
    “Obtain the mind acquire the will no longer a vessel no longer the hollow knight” gave me chills. I am not sure who it was referred to, but the beautiful thing about this game is that whenever any dialogue pops up it can be referred to anything/ anyone in the game
  • Absolutely amazing! There are a lot of great HK animations out there, but this takes the cake! Everything about it is beautiful, and each character has their own part to play! I cannot BELIEVE more people haven't seen this. Just. WOW! Edit: wait it just came out lol. But still! Cannot get enough of this!
  • @longbeing
    0:55 because the animation follows the progression of the game, this shot implies the Knight pulled off some ridiculous skips in order to reach Hallownest’s Crown super early. I know that wasn’t the intention but I think it’s funny
  • This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I am crying. "Acquire the will, obtain a mind, no longer a Vessel" oh gods. Yes.