Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to 21st Century—Heying & Weinstein on Evolution + Challenges of Modern Life

Published 2021-09-14
The Michael Shermer Show # 209

We are living through the most prosperous age in all of human history, yet people are more listless, divided and miserable than ever. Wealth and comfort are unparalleled, and yet our political landscape grows ever more toxic, and rates of suicide, loneliness, and chronic illness continue to skyrocket. How do we explain the gap between these two truths? What’s more, what can we do to close it?

For evolutionary biologists Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein, the cause of our woes is clear: the modern world is out of sync with our ancient brains and bodies. The cognitive dissonance spawned by trying to live in a society we’re not built for is killing us.

Heying and Weinstein cut through the politically fraught discourse surrounding issues like sex, gender, diet, parenting, sleep, education, and more to outline a science-based worldview that will empower you to live a better, wiser life. They distill more than 20 years of research and first-hand accounts from the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth into straightforward principles and guidance for confronting our culture of hyper-novelty.

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All Comments (21)
  • Happy you hosted them. They are always open to rigorous inquiry and debate.
  • @murphymomof9
    This is one of the best interviews I've heard with Heather and Bret. They're both so strong here -- topics discussed brought out the best in them. Thank you.
  • @GenX4ever polarized people are by them. "Unsubscribing?!" Gimme a break. Do you people saying I'm "unsubscribing" do that to everyone who you disagree with? Don't worry about the hate Shermer. You've got a fine podcast with a huge variety of people. Cheers
  • @hhumh6911
    Thanks for inviting Heather and Bret! Listening to them is always a positively enlightening and joyful experience. We need more of those brave in-depth conversations.
  • Someone needs to do a Last Week Tonight style supercut of Shermer saying "My wife's from Germany and moved here for me - I think she made a mistake!"
  • @tonyjofenig6833
    It's always great to see/hear people speak honestly and open about interesting topics. Looking forward to reading their book.
  • @dfinma
    39:55 This demonstrates how easy it is to mold a valid scientific concept around a belief system. I love how Bret responds at 40:22
  • You can be libertarian and against porn. People always confuse libertarianism as being accepting of everything. Libertarianism is more like the acknowledgement, in this instance, that you don't have a RIGHT to force anyone to not watch porn. This has nothing to do with viewing it as good or fine necessarily. You can be libertarian and believe no one should watch porn anywhere and that it's evil. The idea libertarianism is seen "permissiveness" is reflective of the authoritarian, paternalistic dichotomy in which people seem to see everything: That everything is somehow "being controlled" or "not being controlled"
  • @ChantalPhotoPix
    Great interview! It's a sad indictment of our times when simply talking with people who have heterodox ideas (as do I) is considered offensive and worthy of cancellation. In fact, we can learn a lot from those who think outside the box.
  • @dudubunny
    Thank you for this wonderful discussion! I respect all of three of you a lot! I especially appreciate the discussion on parenting and school!
  • @drland642
    Wonderful to see three people with such integrity, who are grounded in evidence, consequence, logic, and reason over ideology and groupthink.
  • Thank you for having these kind folks on. Just received my book…so darn interesting!
  • @enotdetcelfer
    Fantastic conversation. It's refreshing when most media arenas appear to be saturated with the political nonsense back and forths that keep us all in the muck. Glad we're starting to have the real systemic conversation about the long arch of time, not who's currently in power and the webs sewn over our eyes by those that benefit from our infighting and ignorance and blunt tools
  • @DrBoFitCare
    This was a great chat! Thanks for hosting - currently listening to their audiobook
  • Great interview. Many interesting points. I’m surprised at the negativity of several of the commenters. Sounds like some people have their minds made up and aren’t interested in hearing anything that brings their viewpoints into question. I thought all discussion was reasonable and valid. There are some points on which we must continue to search for data and be ready to adjust our viewpoints as determined by emerging evidence.
  • @EvanJHagen
    Understandable but predictable reactions from those appalled by Bret and Heather’s recent controversial stances not being brought into the conversation. Meanwhile, I’m sitting here enjoying a wonderful and enlightening conversation like a retiree in a hot tub in the French alps. 😌