Nick Beaton | Geriatric Millennial | Full Special

In Nick Beaton's first Stand Up Comedy Special, he rants and jokes about politics on social media, conspiracy theories becoming common place, people who put anti racism signs on their front lawn, fidget spinners, sex ED, religion, identity politics, a weird desire to get rid of Beauty and the Beast, and more.

Nick's Website:
#standupcomedy #standupspecial #comedy #standupcomedy

Subscribe: ‪@nickbeatoncomedy‬

Filmed at the Louisbourg Playhouse in Cape Breton

Geriatric Millennial was produced by The Cape Breton Comedy Fest and filmed by Spectra 71 Films.

コメント (21)
  • Rembrandt with punchlines and cadence. Nonstop hilarity for an hour straight. Looking forward to seeing more from this guy. 10/10.
  • @C8zzzD
    Elmo on... stand your ground! 😂😂😂 loved the set
  • Great stand up comedy special! Canadian comedians are top notch!
  • Things must be getting bad. I don't think I've ever met an angry Canadian before.
  • Make weed legal federally. There are still oppressed people all over America, still going to jail for racism and greed.
  • You are going to have a successful career, your style is top tier. Very funny!
  • I think Disney should do a sequel to Beauty and the Beast called, "Beauty and the Beast - Stockholm's Syndrome".
  • Three notes so far... "Lucille Balls", "Come for Candy", and fidget spoinners. Lucille Balls is possibly the greatest all-time historical drag queen name I've ever heard. "Come for Candy" better be the name of a punk band somewhere, or I'm leaving. Fidgit spinners put a brand new tone on a spin class. It's spin for a new generation.
  • Loved it. My buddy Danny sent it over. I lol'd a lot. I missed the mark, I was born in 86' so you hate me 😂 great job. "Every hole I give them... 😂😂"
  • We taught both of our kids about sex concepts. They asked us their questions, and we answered them matter of factly, with sincerity and great care. We made them comfortable about the information that answered their honest questions. It was a little clinical. When their fantastic sex ed/interpersonal relationships training started in 6th grade, my daughter got all the way to phase three, in 8th grade before she came up with a new question that we hadn't already covered at home. By this time, she was already gun shy around me because I was a shameless goofball. She knew I wouldn't pass up a chance to make a joke. So she hesitantly came to me with her sex question - admonishing me not to make a joke, and be completely serious, like the other times. I promised, and she asked, "Why don't condors always prevent pregnancy?" "Baby girl, Daddy's gonna need a minute to choose just the right words for this answer..." A couple minutes of Shao Lin master level mental Kung Fu later, I spoke up, "Well, I think you mean condoms, and it's because sometimes a condom will break and let the sperms get to a woman's eggs." She nodded, and kept side eying me. When she gave up and accepted my answer, I said, A condor is a large bird of prey. "However, if you stuff a condor into a woman, she will not get pregnant."
  • Every gruff voice sounds like Bruce McCulloch doing his middle age voice. And sounds like it'll be perfect on Kids in the Hall. And it was great to listen to, but also really distracting while working and guffawing around other office workers.
  • "Yes, and this is my emotional support hissing spider that is 5 pounds, and shoots poison darts off his body. He's a big sweetie!"