Published 2024-01-03
Hey everyone Rho here! Today we're discussing when Ursula Creed met the Imperial Regent Roboute Guillliman. And how it was an example of the Primarch's Greatness.

Spoiler Warning to begin as the events we're discussing today are from the Warhammer 40,000 novel "Creed: Ashes of Cadia" by author Jude Reid. As always I really recommend you read the stories for yourself first without spoilers! As that's the best way to enjoy the lore for yourself!

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All Comments (21)
  • @mikevasquez1103
    I will die on the Guilliman hill in that he was a good face of the Imperium of Man even during the Great Crusade as his philosophy best aligned with the original Imperial Truth. Throne, Ultramar was a near perfect microcosm of what the Imperium was originally meant to be.
  • Guilliman: Wait, you have a distant father who is worshipped by everyone you know? … Mood Kindred
  • @MrZuriax
    Always on board for some Guilliman praise. That's my guy right there. Holding the Imperium together all alone is a tall order.
  • @akumaking1
    When will Bobby G meet the Lion? When will Decimus become relevant again? Will Clone Fulgrim ever play a role? How will the Tau react to Bobby G in person? Can Huron Blackheart replace the Armless one? When will we get Angron vs Ghazkull?
  • @HuntDownErebus
    Guilliman was like: "If I can be my father's ultra-som, you can be your father's ultra-daughter"
  • @mranderson718
    Meeting Guilliman would be beyond being star struck. It’d be like if a Christian met Moses, your brain would probably be unable to accept the reality of it.
  • @lotuswraith
    Honestly, against an enemy like Chaos, propaganda is probably the best weapon. Morale is probably one of the most potent weapon any army can wield, but that is doubly so when your enemy is a literal being of belief and thought. Even against an enemy like the emotionless and endless tides of the Tyrranids, high morale will keep soldiers fighting instead of just giving up in the face of impossible odds.
  • @user-fp3in2kf3b
    Notice that GUILLIMAN like to bring Rouge Traders into his inner circle or as trustworthy ally in special missions
  • @MarineCARMINE
    I think Corvus and Vulkan can understand humanity like Guilliman can.
  • @eviljagtech
    G-Man wields politics and words like weapons of mass destruction, plus it's a god send that a descent writers to make it happen.
  • @doubledigital_
    man im sooo stoked for this years lore what a great little short story this is
  • @bigwigcthulu6902
    I really do genuinely like Guilliman...but I REALLY want to see the Khan come back.
  • @Legitpenguins99
    You couldn't overstate the importance of bringing hope to the hopeless. I really liked what GW did (for once) when they timed the great rift and Girlyman returning. Feel like it created a net neutral change in the "grim darkness" because without a primarchs return the imperium is fucked
  • @laszlolazok1863
    Ingenious piece of writing - I see why you chose it. Guilliman must have a hard time processing all that was lost after the Heresy.
  • @lavatun
    "He was entirely human, concentratedly so. As if the greatness of sacred mankind was distilled a thousand times over and poured into the body of the noble giant."
  • @oatlord
    Guilliman is by far the main character of the whole IP, imo. He's the most relatable character by far.
  • @vicsterX
    I loved the dichotomy of views between the Space Marine and normal human on Guilliman. Dante observed Guilliman and thought to himself that the Primarch is the purest form of humanity, while Creed here simply goes "nope" just by looking at Guilliman standing up.
  • @kiltmaster7041
    "The real weapon was the friends you made along the way." "You can't be fucking serious." "No." "Oh, thank the God-Emperor." "The real weapon was ACTUALLY the power of love." "For fuck's sake." "The real weapon was within you all along?" "PEOPLE DIED TO GET ME HERE. GOOD PEOPLE DIED. A FLEET BURNED. AND THAT'S WHAT YOU GIVE ME?!?!?!" "The real weapon was the self discovery you made on the journey." "AAAAAAAAAARGH! Fuck it, I'm turning to Khorne."
  • @c0ldsh0w3r
    The music you choose is always top notch. Always hits the perfect emotional note.