Fast track deportation of Albanians planned - as French police clash with people crossing Channel

Published 2022-08-25
The numbers around migration can be dizzying, the ethics always complicated, and then there's the politics.


Today Britain and Albania have agreed a plan to fast track asylum seekers in the UK after a sharp increase in recent years.

The other nationalities packing the flimsy boats on the beaches of France are mainly Afghans, Syrians and Iranians.

The journeys are costly and dangerous and surprisingly difficult to stop. Our team has witnessed what it looks like at the sharp end, at the point of departure.


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All Comments (21)
  • What would happen if they changed the law so that if you enter the UK illegally, you forfeit any right to claim asylum?
  • @lauralishes1
    It's disgusting. If you're a single guy, born here, made homeless and went to your local council in an area you've lived all your life you'd be told sorry we can't help you, you can maybe get a sleeping bag on a church floor if you're lucky to sleep at night in cold weather. Yet if you're a foreigner and rock up to our shores on a dingy, you are instantly fed, watered, and housed, all food, electricity and bills paid at UK taxpayers expense. They were even getting money on top of the benefits and 3 meals a day for snacks. People born here don't get any of that. We can't get a council house for over decade, can't get a GP appointment for 4 weeks, surgery cancelled 5 times, can't get your kid's in the school across the road because it's packed with Syrians, Afghans, Iranians, Pakistanis or Bangladeshis, Albanians. Told a 6 year wait for an NHS dentist. Fucking sick of it.
  • My daughter has been waiting to be moved to a bungalow on serious medical grounds for 9 years and they tell her there's nothing for her it's sickening as these are able body people
  • If anybody travels to Australia illegally they will never get asylum, we need this policy
  • It is amazing how passive, wet and utterly ineffectual the British government is.
  • @Charango123quena
    We had the same problem here in Australia. Unfortunately, it may seem heartless but a country can't have an open border policy. There are significant costs in housing and processing asylum seekers, not to mention that it encourages people smugglers and ultimately leads to deaths at sea. It's also unfair to those who are trying to enter a country via the proper channels and lastly; its interesting that those that have an attitude of allowing people in , forget about them once they are in and don't live anywhere near refugees..
  • So many of our young men and woman gave up there lives to protect our way if life. Shame on the Goverment by spitting on their memory. I feel like a stranger in my own country😢
  • @ihatehandles3
    I'm an Albanian whom lives in Albania, i have cousins whom live legally for decades in England, this gangs are ruining things for everyone. They are destroying the lives of the decent hard working Albanians abroad and in Albania, i want England not only to stop the dinghies but to seek and seize the gangs assets in Albania.
  • This needs to stop asap this government needs to do more, Albania is a safe country.
  • So irritating. Here in America, not just people from Mexico, but from South America, Haiti and the Dominion Republic, people are trying to get in illegally and don't give a hoot about fixing their countries or fighting to take it back. They just give up and want someone to take care of them. Give them welfare, jobs, free money, etc. It's totally ridiculous that this is even happening.
  • Our country has changed beyond all recognition, I'm angry and appalled by what's going on,and our government is doing absolutely nothing about it.we never signed up for this invasion. It's horrendous, something needs to happen soon or we are doomed .
  • Return them immediately or face the consequences. We certainly are being invaded to say the least.
  • We MUST get our small boats out in the Channel and get this problem stopped ourselves, because it’s an absolute guaranteed fact that the Tories or Labour will NOT stop this invasion of illegal migrants.
  • The vastly overpopulated UK is systematically being destroyed financially, environmentally, culturally and ethnically. Absolutely deplorable.
  • @eviken1982
    All our countries just like France, UK, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium(from where I am) are overloaded with economical migrants and refugees because of our governments gave them everything for free like money, house, food and clothes. The worst thing is that our own people who are struggling in daily life may keep on struggling without help from our governments.
  • @lenny578
    Trying to cross a country's border on a dinghy while you're wearing expensive brands, belts and jewellery definitely doesn't come across as suspicious.
  • @deanwilliams2353
    So let me get this straight. According to Laughton, the French police should be obligated to arrest people who are already victims of trafficking gangs even though they have not actually broken French law. Because I hate to say it, but leaving a county is not a crime, and the traffickers who have committed a crime are not in the boats. Interesting logic he uses there.