Why Pikmin 3's Bingo Battle Is Peak

Published 2023-11-09

All Comments (21)
  • @DesignDoc
    Oh look! The best multiplayer I'll never get to play.
  • @d-tergent7899
    I have to point out the single most infamous play I was victim to, there was an enemy pikmin on a crystal, and I chose to use a bomb instead to avoid losing my rock pikmin (the rare type of the map), so I throw the bomb, and in that exact moment, my sister uses the warp powerup, and warps me DIRECTLY ONTO THE BOMB ROCK, annihilating my entire squad in an instant. I still have that clip on my switch
  • @Gulliblepikmin
    20:23 The half health thing also applies to all the mission mode levels. From what I remember, the reason it is like this is because normal mode is used as the difficulty mode for Pikmin 3 Deluxe's side modes rather than hard mode, which the difficulty most similar to the original Pikmin 3 on the Wii U.
  • @ghoti6668
    With the boulders 15:00, since you only play in person, I had the house rule of count down from 3 to boulders. Made it balanced. Sucks we had to do that but allowed much more enjoyment from the game
  • @Donchan1
    I love Bingo Battle, and when some pikmin you through at an enemy decides to take the longest possible route back to your onion it’s hilarious
  • @R3dex4
    So glad to see Bingo Battle getting more recognition. I heard so many people gush about it in such a high regard and at first I just thought "oh, it's probably just a neat little extra mode that can be kinda fun once or twice but nothing more" and really didn't get WHY people loved it that much, I mean it was just Bingo what's so special about it, i never tried it at the time. But eventually a couple months back i did with a friend, and oh my god it was genuinely some of the most chaotic fun I've ever had on a game, it was so fucking unhinged The absolute shock and dread when either of us would get the falling rocks item, seeing their entire squad get crushed into a puddle or EXPLODE if any of the pikmin were holding bomb rocks, or teleporting them in front of an enemy Also since We played it on an emulator (We live on opposite continents so we had to) for some reason the Mr President head item would just fucking crash the game after the stupid spinning animation and it was so stupidly funny, this whole mode in general was way more frantic than i thought it would be. Scheming some stupid traps and then seeing it ACTUALLY work against all odds and expectations while hearing the screams of your opponents has to be the most cathartic thing in any video game ever. 10/10 Would recommend to anyone who can play it, I was so disappointed seeing it wasn't in Pikmin 4 and realizing that the multiplayer content was so lacking, Pikmin 3 Extra modes were so fun and packed in content they each felt like a whole new game, I really hope we get some more of that as DLC to fix this later down the line, people are definitely down for more Pikmin.
  • @droughtender4831
    This video absolutely does this hidden gem of a gamemode justice! As someone who's even played this mode in a semi-competitive tournament I can say with absolute certainty that this is THE MOST thorough review I've seen of Bingo Battle. Keep up the great work!
  • @agentclank8183
    Let’s be honest, the reason jigsaw colosseum is his favorite is because it looks like Wii tanks.
  • @realHeff
    Silok's pikmin takes are always sooo based
  • @jordanfrater9524
    Nice to see ya back Silokhawk Great video explaining how Pikmin 3 Bingo battle works 👍
  • @natonswim396
    The boulders were so broken that when my brother or I got one, we alerted each other, disbanded our pikmin and walked far enough away before activating it.
  • @Bupboy32
    Bingo Battle is genuinely really fun and I agree with a lot of what you said in this video. Honestly, I'm more bothered by the lack of an item select than the lack of a layout select, because if I could disable that dumb boulder item, I would. Wish there was a toggle for harder enemies, too. Having two Pikmin types per map is awesome, and despite the many AI issues you brought up like the fight cloud they can form sometimes (and the fact that pinks straight up don't work sometimes) I'm still able to have a lot of fun directing my squad against my opponent when the time comes to inevitably try stealing the last item they need to get a bingo. Great video.
  • @danielisgamer
    FACTS!!!! Me and my brother love playing bingo battle together! A stupid amount of inside jokes we made have come from rounds of bingo battle and it will probably be the only reason our wii u wont collect too much dust
  • @samcomic_
    I wanna thank you for showing this game to me, genuinely. I had this one game where i was trying to steal a marble so they didn't win, and all of my pikmin fricking dissapeared. So funny
  • @amari648
    Man I can’t wait for that Wave 6 Video!!!🥳
  • For me the best part of bingo battle is having multiple pikmin types available. that alone makes it much more unique than both p2 and p4