Guide to Waking Up Early - Staying Alert and Keeping the Peace - Jocko Willink

Published 2019-03-23
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@jockowillink @echocharles

Excerpt from JOCKOPODCAST 40

All Comments (21)
  • @jasonbobela
    I really think Jocko needs to make his own clock, he can call it the Jocko-Clock. Instead of an alarm sound, its just Jocko telling you to wake up, and his tone starts with him speaking in a whisper tone, and progresses to him screaming to get up. $49.99.
  • @conbatready
    Jocko doesn't read books, he stares at them till they give him the information he wants.
  • @Ffmt-ri3ti
    I struggled to wake up early for years. It wasn’t until recently I found a solution that works. We all have hobbies or things we want to do but we put them off because more important things take precedence. One for me is video games. I like playing video games but I’m a grown man with responsibilities. How can I justify playing video games when I’ve got a long list of productive things to do? It seems like a waste of time. But then I sleep in for hours and waste even more time than I would’ve spent playing. So I’ve been getting up at 4 am everyday, playing video games for an hour, and then going on with my day. Yeah I might have “wasted” an hour playing games but now I’m up. I gained several hours I would’ve otherwise spent sleeping that I can now do more productive things. I do it every day so my mind knows first thing in the morning it’s gonna get that reward and it makes it easier to get up. Maybe it’s weak minded, but hey, it’s better than sleeping in. Also once you start waking up early you start getting tired earlier in the evening and it’s easier to go to bed on time and the cycle continues. Makes the habit easier.
  • 54 years old, in law-enforcement and a SWAT member… And I can tell you that my absolute best days and mornings are before hits. The night before setting out all the gear knowing I have to be quiet so I don’t wake the spouse, out the door by 0400 and ready to hit the door by 0600. Most alert days ever even though it starts out very quiet and peaceful it is absolutely focused. Great podcast keep them coming
  • Used Iron Swan as an alarm, Didn't grab it before 55 seconds. My wife left and took the kids and said the dog shouldn't stay with me any longer either
  • @lirbic
    Jocko can use "get after it" in almost every sentence "Put a big ol steak on, get after it" LOL
  • @dropcapapp
    “Secondary and tertiary alarms”. That’s what I’ll call them now. 😂 I’m dying. “Toothbrush staged in another room”. I love the way Jocko thinks and expresses himself.
  • @IamJohnCarter
    Iron Swan and Repeat Process just got 100’s of unexplained hits.
  • @yatsuketa
    "Food is for the weak", "go to sleep early".... Me: watching Jocko at 1am while eating cheesecake... No factor.
  • "Go to bed when you are tired. Shut off the computer. Turn off t-" Windows Shutdown Noise
  • @jeffkerr7418
    I wake up at 4 am. Every day. On my work day it gives me time to clear my head, have a coffee, check the news, make my lunch etc. On my day off I still get up at 4 but the day is mine. I don't have to think about work, can take my time and plan my day. Sleeping late takes time away . Thats my routine and works for me. But I do sleep by 9pm or so.
  • 1. Get an escalating alarm or set your alarm to a progressively louder song (Jocko recommends Iron Swan by The Sword) 2. Set your gear the night before. If you sleep with someone, get ready in another room to avoid waking them up. 3. Check your diet. Avoid carbs and sugar spikes. 4. Start working out before having caffeine. 5. Power naps. 6-8 minutes with feet elevated. 6. Get the blood flowing. Bang out 10 pushups, burpees etc. 7. Go to bed early. Go rest when you are tired, don't stay on your phone or on the Internet. Read a book to help you falling asleep.
  • @PetrKL21
    If ever there Is a proper Doom movie, Jocko should be cast to play the Doomslayer
  • This video is just great, i took a lot in from this video as well as truly enjoyed it. i was constantly glued and wasn’t bored. it was also just great to see them fit humor into the video!
  • @Milokitty-en5nb
    "I want to be stressed. I want to be tired" Hes obviously the terminator dying to feel human.
  • @homebody6353
    The 72-Hour fast usually happens to me before pay day. I guess i’ve been a mini Jocko without knowing it 😂
  • @lagvin719ify
    wow, I just happened to come across your podcast after doing research for sleep improvement and it is really interesting that Echo mentioned retraining your mind to think that you have enough sleep even when you have fewer hours of sleep. It kind of fits into the puzzle. I spoke to a lot of people having less sleep when they really had more sleep than they need. And don't forget about the effects of sleep apnea too. If you feel tired and sleepy most days then have it checked, correct the sleep apnea, and the time you feel more awake apply those things that Jocko said
  • @raharold
    I'm late to the party and just discovering Jocko. Love the advice, thanks or that! Regarding carbohydrates, he is referring to processed carbohydrates like sugar, flour, syrup, etc. Whole plant food is pure carbohydrates and absolutely not the same to your body as refined/processed carbohydrates. The only time you need refined carbs is any time you plan to burn it all off - like during exercise.