When Animal Rights Activists Didn’t Let Invasive Animals Be Killed, Now It's HELL Out There

Published 2024-06-11

All Comments (21)
  • @kaijo7309
    Saving an Invasive Species because they also are living organisms is like saving a Cancer cell because it's also a living organism.
  • @djkahless6971
    This is why I stopped volunteering for the local bird rescue here. It was fun for a while until they started sending me out to go and rescue invasive species. It wasn’t about conservation or the larger impact of these animals, it was about satisfying their egos and getting promotional pictures for their Facebook. I tried to explain that we’re doing more harm then good when saving invasive species and they got mad and said “we save lives! It doesn’t matter what species!”. They were so blinded by the romanticized appearance of “saving lives” that they willingly endangered the lives of the animals who are dying due to invasive species.
  • @umbreoniteUwU
    I worked at a fish hatchery in the Bay Area in California. Every year, we would collect spawning salmon and trout, gather and fertilize their eggs, and raise the young. It was MONTHS of hard work. Once they got to a certain size, we'd bring them to the bay and would put them in a large net underwater where they could acclimate to the water, grow, and learn how to hunt smaller prey in the water while remaining safe from other predators. Then one day, some group of animal activists decided that the fish were being... held captive? Or something? That they deserved to be free? So months before the fish were big enough to safely leave the net, the activists came in and cut it themselves. Every year, we'd have a big day where a bunch of people would come from all over to see the fish being released, and we had educational things on conservation for kids too. The way the net was designed, it had to be opened a certain way so the fish could all leave in one big school together. The way the "activists" opened it, though, meant that the fish could only leave a few at a time and likely got picked off by predators. Its just so frustrating that we had put in months of hard work and love into these fish, and someone thought they knew better than us without any actually knowledge or training, and they likely ended up killing THOUSANDS of fish. Its stupid.
  • @mwudzy
    I'm British and I've never seen a red squirrel in the wild, but out of my window I can see 2 grey squirrels in my garden right now, they're a menace!
  • @chaosinc.382
    The road to Hell is paved with good intentions... And a lot of corpses.
  • @dm3280
    Anyone can be an animal rights activist, but not everyone can be a biologist.
  • @RedwoodTheElf
    We need a restaurant chain with an "invasive Species" menu. Feral Hog bacon, Roasted Mute Swan, Crayfish on the side...
  • I work for the DNR, animal rights are important, but protecting our ecosystems is far more important that how cute something is.
  • I love how so many animal rights activists talk about humans destroying the ecosystem... Then proceed to destroy an ecosystem.
  • @yukipaw1702
    Notice how animal rights activist usually try to protect animals that are small, cute or look familiar to them, anything that can threaten them or looks ugly will immediately be forgotten. It shows how shallow their understanding of nature and the environment are.
  • @benward6017
    Pine beatles have the same story. They moaned and complained to save the trees cause they needed to cut 1/2 mile swaths to stop their spread. Now hundreds of miles of trees are what's called "standing dead".
  • @PilotTed
    What most animal rights activists don't understand about hunting, is the fact we hunters do far more for conversation, and provide the vast majority of the funding, then any one else. If we didn't hunt, game animal's like deer would overpopulate, destroying the environment through over grazing and such causing starvation. The overpopulation would also cause diseases to spread like wildfire. They don't understand the fact that, millions of deers would be starving and disease ridden, which can be prevented by hunters killing thousands nearly instantly with a bullet or arrow.
  • @Monstylicious
    Refer to invasive species as "colonizers" to change activists' minds.
  • @spaceman1501
    Activist be turning animal rights into animal wrongs
  • @9Curtana
    One creature that is striking back against the grey squirrel is called the Pine Martin. It has a surprisingly large effect on the squirrel’s. People who have been studying the ‘relationship’ are puzzled because squirrels are disappearing from the area faster than they can explain by the Pine Martins killing and eating them.
  • @Natej3ds
    Way to go, animal rights activists... you put more species into the endangered list than any big corporation has ever done...
  • Animal activists who are seen and recorded releasing invasive species into the wild, should be sued by the local government for the damage it does to the environment, and sued harder if it extincts another species.
    And this is why Animal rights activist need to look at the bigger picture instead working about of animals that don't belong
  • @dmmmwerd
    That three year delay is what we call lawfare. Using the process itself as your weapon, rather than actually having a meritorious argument /believing you'll actually win the argument.
  • @felix-xd4mx
    i talked with a vet who was an animal rights activist, she said, when saving these animal's lives or feeding them, you must also neuter them so they can't repopulate.