Kamala Harris ‘unburdened’ by overuse of certain phrase

Sky News host Chris Kenny slams US Vice President Kamala Harris’ overuse of the word “unburdened”.

“They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery, so I guess Harris is flattering herself,” he said.

“It seems she’s happy to reuse a phrase, unburdened by how often she’s used it before.”

コメント (21)
  • She obviously thinks this is a genius phrase and deserves to be repeated adinfinitum
  • Unburdened by the burdening of what has just been burdening her. Joe Burden.
  • As an American, I must say to have Kamala Harris representing our country is a complete and utmost embarrassment. 🇺🇸😔
  • We Americans must unburden ourselves by what has been four years of the most irritating VP imaginable.
  • She's disgusting. We're all being burdened by what she has been, and what she is.
  • @Naebl-cd5kp
    This women is a total embarrassment to the United States!
  • OMG, she makes my head spinning each time she opens her mouth, along with her cracked head laughing
  • @lmrm7900
    Can we be unburdened by her and Biden and what has been?
  • We need to unburden ourselves of the burden we have burdened ourselves with, m'kay? Only by doing that can we become unburdened of the burdens that burden us.
  • @am74343
    I think it's time to unburden this nation from this woefully inept Vice Presidential embarassment, and Make America Great Again by re-electing President Donald J. Trump!
  • @Slumbert
    Let's be unburdened by Biden administration.
  • @daveystod
    So she's finally admitting that slavery is no longer a problem in the U.S.
  • Joe, KamHarr and KJP are doing a fantastic job of turning the movie ‘Idiocracy’, into a documentary.
  • Hopefully america unburdens what has been by voting in the Trump again
  • @crapple009
    "So glad to have finally been unburdened of carrying the torch as worst V.P. ever. Thank you Ms. Harris, thank-you!"-Dan Quayle.
  • If she doesn’t use unburdened as her presidential campaign slogan I’ll be disappointed 😂😂😂