Restless Leg Syndrome - How To Treat It (RLS)

In this episode of "Talking with Docs," our doctors dive deep into Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), a condition that causes an irresistible urge to move your legs, usually due to uncomfortable sensations. They discuss the symptoms, possible causes, and the latest treatment options available. Learn how RLS can affect sleep and daily life, and get expert tips on managing and alleviating symptoms. Tune in to gain valuable insights and take control of your health!

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コメント (21)
  • I’ve known some people who suffer from Restless Leg Syndrome, particularly at night, finding it very difficult to sleep. When each mentioned the condition to a doctor they were dismissed. I’m certain many of your viewers will appreciate greatly the way you have explained the condition, the effects and suggesting various treatments, and a very big thanks to Dr Weening for sharing his experience of coping with Restless Leg Syndrome. Another brilliant video, Docs, for which many thanks
  • @lugoraiza
    Potassium and Magnesium have help me a lot.
  • @momrobare
    I have had RLS since before I started kindergarten 62 years ago. My doctor put me on Mysoline (a seizure medication). It worked good but it made me very groggy and "out of it". After a gastric bypass, I didn't have any symptoms for 3 years! When it came back I discovered that the Tramadol I was taking for my arthritic knee pain worked GREAT on preventing RLS. I was put on Tramadol back in 1995 and have been on it ever since. I have kept the same dosage over those years and when the legs or arthritis eases off, I cut back on it with NO adverse affects! I have no withdrawal symptoms or intense worry over not having them. I just hope and pray I never have to be without them when I really need them. What makes my legs worse: heat and aerobic exercise except for swimming which I believe is because the water is cold!
  • I have it so bad that I'm up watching this video to find out how I can get help it's driving me crazy I'm so tired I can't sleep and the less sleep you get the worst you get
  • What used to help with RLS was a weighted blanket across my legs. The extra weight stopped the urge to move my legs. Now my Doberman Pinscher sleeps laying across my legs, so I no longer need the weighted blanket. Same effect. Seriously, I have been a plant based eater for the past 5 years and, now that you mentioned it, I no longer seem to have RLS.
  • Great content, as usual. Thanks docs. I have RLS/WES, diagnosed by my sleep doctor during a routine office visit about 15 years ago. He noticed how I was bouncing my leg up and down - as I always do - and he started diving in with questions. That visit led to a sleep study, several medications that I was allergic to and finally landing on a few medications I take nightly to this day. I've had insomnia for decades and the RLS doesn't help, but with the meds, I often sleep through the night with only the occasional night where I lay there wide awake all night. So, for anyone suffering with either insomnia or RLS, I encourage you to seek help from a sleep specialist and persevere through to find a solution. It took a couple of years for me going through the allergic reactions that ranged from hives/itching to anaphylactic shock. I wound up in a good place and you will too, just find someone you can trust and stick with it. You'll find relief. Thanks Dr. Zalzal and Dr. Weening. I love the humor and information. Take care of yourselves.
  • @katsmama813
    I had insomnia for several years. It got to the point where i was getting less and less sleep and was getting cranky. My husband noticed that my legs moved a lot at night. I took him with me to my primary care doctor and asked him if there was anything I could do to help me sleep. He started me on a low dose of Carbidopa/levodopa and that's when things turned around for me. I go to bed about 9:45 and get up between 6 or 6:30 every morning. I am so thankful that I can get a regular night's sleep. I also notice walking for exercise and stretches helps with symptoms.
  • I used to have RLS where I used to lie in bed and I just couldn't keep my legs still. The warmer the bed the more severe the restlessness. What helped was when I moved my leg to a cooler spot in the sheets. Of course that would only last until that part of the bed warmed up and I had to move the leg again trying to find a cool spot, ....repeat, repeat, etc.
  • When my restless legs wake me up, I find walking for 20-30 minutes helps tremendously.
  • Infant iron drops work for me. Iron pills upset my stomach but the liquid, at a low dose, calms my RLS within 15-20 minutes most of the time. Big win for me. 64 yo white female.
  • Love to hear you went plant based! I started on my Whole Foods plant-based lifestyle in January and it’s been really exciting and fun and I love eating this way and living this way. I think it has helped alleviate my trapezius muscle spasms from neck arthritis and also has relieved my restless legs!
  • @janh8847
    My husband has had it for years. Mostly at night in bed. He’ll be laying still then all of a sudden he’ll jump and shake his leg and he’ll try to grab it and pinch it to stop it. That could happen several times in the night waking us both up. It doesn’t happen every night but when it does it’s awful and he has a terrible nights sleep. He’ll get up and go in another room. I feel so bad for him.
  • @GreggBB
    Really interesting information. thanks for covering this one.
  • I've had 2 sleep studies, because of my restless legs and after trying many different things Lyrica is what is working for me, I started on a higher dose and worked my way down to 3 a day morning,noon and night ,I only get it maybe 2 or 3 time every 3 month ..hope this helps someone .
  • @suechang7443
    Perfect timing! Been dealing with this for a few weeks now.
  • @jopickl
    I quit eating all sugar and that cured it. I can't eat anything that contains added sugar. Just read all the labels. It works for me!
  • @SJC49
    You guys are fun and informative!
  • @jsstar76
    Hi Docs… I was on Quinine years ago when I had RLS and it completely ‘cured’ it however due to the side effects of quinine I had to stop it but fortunately RLS has stopped.
  • About 3 years ago I had a knee replacement and had this problem for about 3 weeks after the surgery, It was the same leg as the surgery was performed on t3's with codine helped with mine and have never had it again thank god.