Kleinfeld’s Most Colorful Dresses | Say Yes to the Dress | TLC

Published 2024-04-28

All Comments (21)
  • @salutlatcheam
    years later I am still so disappointed Cami didn’t get the black dress because her family didn’t like it, she was gorgeous in it
  • @madelynl.5351
    Bride’s day, bride’s money, bride’s decision. Mama, shut up.
  • @sketch735
    35k for a dress is total insanity. That's a car or a down payment on a house.
  • What is wrong with people saying "Well you gotta compromise with your mother-" No, No I don't. I'm one of those people who refuse to wear white for my wedding day when it comes. You'd sooner catch me dead then in a white wedding dress.
  • @pizzagal7
    I wish people would stop telling brides that they have to wear white because it's 'traditional'! White for Europeans became a trend when Queen Victoria wore a white wedding dress in the early 1800's. Before and after white was simply just one colour brides could choose. Even in the 1950's white was not traditional.
    Let brides wear whatever colour they damn well please!
  • The woman who wanted a red dress should get a prom dress, find one that's like a red wedding dress.
  • Those black dress were gorgeous. And it also showcased her figure her personality and her principles. Gorgeous classy elegant
  • Any parents who proudly admits to favoring 1 child over the others needs therapy. You are hurting those other kids. Do they actually feel ok about that?!!
  • @Anna-Rose-
    I want a red, blue, green, purple, yellow and orange dress. Where should I go shopping for one of those? I know! A formal bridal shop with a gazillion white gowns. Perfect!
  • @cindyfrendt9390
    OMGGGGGGGGGG! I couldn't take Sandra in the rainbow dress and her group of girls. They dragged out the last word of every sentence . Drove me crazyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
  • @Dannstare
    The lady with the pink dress is gorgeous, that dress was stunning, i was sorry to hear her story, but glad she found a good man after that.
  • @rytry1231
    The first black dress was stunning 😍 . Camilla looks amazing
  • It's terrible when mothers think they can decide which wedding dress their daughter gets married in. I mean, the future bride must feel comfortable in the wedding dress because it is not only her day, but also her partner's
  • @dummyc7595
    id love a black dress but idk why she felt the need to act like a brat. liking black doesn't make you a badass. 💀
  • @jujube8067
    When I hear someone say “I’m not a typical bride” they usually are.
  • @cornelia9778
    I really dislike it when I can’t see the final choice after seeing the various options. Don’t like this format.
  • Do people even understand WHY white is even the standard color in the first place? It isn't a requirement or a rule! Let the bride be HAPPY ON HER DAY!!!!
  • Imo the cherry blossom gal looked so ethereal in the second dress.... it was my favorite. It didn't take away from her features, made her look like a princess. The first dress aged her.