THE ULTIMATE X-BOW 3.0 MATCHUP GUIDE 2023 🏆 - Clash Royale

Published 2023-03-12
Hey guys in this video i covered a lot of matchups and tried my best to make it better quality than the last one. If you enjoy the video, please make sure to like and subscribe

0:24 2.6 vs ian
5:25 3m pump fisher archers meta version
10:36 3.0 mirror vs tyton
15:45 lava fb bait
17:48 miner control vs nate
21:25 miner mortar vs kickash
26:33 pekka bs minions arrows varient
31:35 egiant with flying machine
36:55 mortar rocket nado vs kickash
42:04 gobgiant sparky
47:15 splashyard vs starlight
52:25 golem pump edrag
55:30 egiant gk miner

#midladder #topladder #bestdeck #clash #clash #clashroyale #xbowdeck #gcs #xbow

All Comments (21)
  • @eragon1
    Theyre still checking restrictions but its been over 4 hrs so i just made this public, super frustrated at yt rn
  • @nc5460
    0:24 2.6 vs ian 5:25 3m pump fisher archers meta version 10:36 3.0 mirror vs tyton 15:45 lava fb bait 17:48 miner control vs nate 21:25 miner mortar vs kickash 26:33 pekka bs minions arrows varient 31:35 egiant with flying machine 36:55 mortar rocket nado vs kickash 42:04 gobgiant sparky vs ramy 47:15 splashyard vs starlight 52:25 golem pump edrag 55:30 egiant gk miner
  • @lusterris9183
    Great video, I personally don’t play xbow but the thought process and tips still help a ton for any deck eragon #1 🔥
  • 0:26 - hog 2.6 5:26 - 3 Musketeers Elixir Pump 10:35 - 3.0 X-Bow (mirror matchup) 15:45 - Lava fireball bait 17:47 - Miner Control (poison) 20:50 - Clip against miner control 21:22 - Miner poison mortar 26:32 - PEKKA minions with arrows 31:41 - Electro Giant Flying Machine 36:52 - Mortar Rocket with archers 42:03 - Goblin Giant Sparky (with GK) 47:12 - Splashyard (knight) 52:24 - Golem Elixir Pump 55:27 - Electro Giant Miner GK
  • @uhack2417
    Thank you for the actual guide! So many other Clash YouTubers just play the game for an hour and call it a “guide” but you are the one who actually gave us helpful tips through every matchup so that we can learn from them. I will be coming back and rewatching this video for sure many times in the future. Thanks a lot for your help and I also hope you’ve managed to pass your midterms
  • Now all we need is Ian's guide. Then all the infinity stones will be assembled
  • @paifu.
    3M Pump GK, Heal Spirit, Fisherman, Ghost, Bandit 5:25 5:35 Fireball their pumps if they don't have a huge pump lead on you that would allow them to punish you with 3M high and spam. Otherwise, they will get an even bigger elixir advantage than the 1 elixir they gain from you fireballing their pumps, which they can use to pump again, either bait your fireball and punish you with spam at the bridge, or them building an even bigger push and overwhelming you. - Also, do not be afraid to fireball on their troops if it gives you alot of value, (Like 3 Musketers) kinda will negate the effect of a pump even if they do pump, and even then you're often able to cycle back to another fireball for their pump, or like Eragon said, pressure them with the elixir advantage you have to prevent them from pumping, allowing you to cycle back to another fireball. 7:00 If you're down a Pump, do not fireball the second one, or they will spam you with their elixir advantage with 3M and spam and overwhelm you with dual lane pressure, even if you manage to get back to another fireball for defense. 7:30 You can fireball on defense more freely in double and triple since it's easier to cycle back to another one if they Pump. Also because more elixir = more troops = potentially more fireball value. 7:50 In double elixir, go Xbow when they pump to prevent the opponent from 3 Musketeering after you fireball their Pump, because they will have to use troops to defend against your Xbow. They will then be incentivized to support their counter pushing troops to not let die them die out giving you good trades on your side. So they won't be able to 3M if you fireball early in your defense, because if you fireball before using many of your defensive troops, it will allow you not only to defend, but to cycle back to another fireball at the same time, so if they 3M or Pump after you fireball their first pump and their push dies, you will be very close to another fireball. 8:10 Skeletons placement vs a dash from a GK placed in the middle 8:30 3-3 Tesla placement when the opponent 3Ms in front of their King Tower. - Logs the 2 Muskies, does not save it for the heal spirit. Log + Tesla on unsupported 2 musketeers basically counters them. **Opponents will usually place more troops on the side of the 1 Musketeer to not give huge fireball value, which means the troops you will use to counter their troops tanking will make their Musketeer stop walking, making the 2 Musketeers side walk in Tesla range first. 8:35 Lets the bandit get in Tesla range because he knows it will die quickly enough so the Tesla can target the 2 Musks, but pulls the GK out of the Tesla's range with a Knight to the side to allow the Tesla to target the 2 Musketeers instead. 9:07 Xbow on defense in triple elixir to get more DPS since there are more troops (5-1 plant, allows a 3-3 Tesla, and is lower and therefore safer from a GK dash). **Xbows on his strong side tower in case a GK dashes on the Xbow + Tower, even if it is on the side of the 1 Musketeer. - The opponent will often try to GK on the side of the Xbow to get a GK dash on tower, but the defensive Xbow + Tower DPS, + Skellies, Log and Ice spirit will be enough to kill it, without needing a Knight, so you can keep your Knight for their other side push where it's needed, with Ghost, Bandit, etc. Xbow 3.0 10:34 10:50 Tyton defends with Fireball + Log on the Xbow + Tower in single, so he takes more damage than he did to Eragon, and spent 15 elixir for 15. (It can be dangerous in double elixir to fireball an offensive Xbow if you do it late because then they might be able to defensive Xbow, make it survive + offensive Xbow. 11:20 Xbow defense in single. Knight + Archers + Tesla spread out so the opponent can't hit them all with a fireball. 11:30 It's ok to defend an Xbow with a defensive Xbow, you pretty much use the same elixir as your opponent, and potentially have a surviving Xbow because your tower helps, theirs doesn't. (Especially when you have a bad cycle, or archers are out of hand.) **If you don't have a Knight close in cycle it is better to cycle back to it with cheap cards and fireball log the Xbow instead. If you spend 6 elixir on an Xbow, you might not have the elixir to cycle back to a Knight in time to protect your Xbow from theirs, andif you can't protect your defensive Xbow, you wasted alot of elixir for little value and probably are going to lose the game because of it. 12:40 Tyton Knights opposite side of Eragon's Knight so it doesn't damage his, so it can tank for the Xbow longer. Also makes Eragon's Knight get less value overall since it only got 1 swing on the Archers, and it would havr gotten more if Tyton placed his Knight same lane. Also gives less log/fireball value if you put Knight + Archers in the same lane. Forced Eragon to archers on it. 12:43 When the opponent Knights opposite lane in that situation, you can split archers in the middle so one helps kill it, and the other protects the Xbow from a Tesla snipe for example, so if they place it, you have time to react with something else. 13:25 Since Eragon naked fireballs his tower, Tyton knows he won't go in with an offensive Xbow, so it makes it safer for him to Knight in the back. Also, in double and triple, cycling a Knight in the back can be a good play if one of your two towers is significantly lower hp and you Knight on that side, since even if they go Xbow, you can stall it out in time for your Knight to walk up and take the targeting. 14:00 Knights in the back because he knows Tyton can't go offensive Xbow quickly since he just placed a defensive one. **Knight in the back is preferable to Archers in the back first (if you can get away with it without being punished) because it makes you cycle back to another Knight faster, which is more important than Archers in this matchup to tank for the opponents' Xbow, and protect yours. - Also means you can keep archers in hand to stack them if need be, or put them at the river to snipe, etc. Lava Fireball Bait 15:44 Miner Control w Poison, DP, Inferno Tower, Delivery, Log, Ice Spirit, Goblins 17:47 33:15 Anti GK dash knight placement for 0-3 Tesla 54:50 Tesla in the middle to draw golem, tesla on the side to snipe e drag
  • @yagom6033
    This guide is way better than any other guide I’ve seen. It’s good that you give tips instead of just playing
  • Thanks bro I watched the whole video and wrote some things down cant wait to win some games with the new knowledge, great video!
  • @ortaam
    I needed this video! I am grateful to you, dude.
  • @l6251
    The explanations & commentary today literally suprassed the god level