Manchester Airport head-kicking: 'He's a hero,' says former top cop

Published 2024-07-28

All Comments (21)
  • @bronte333
    Only LBC would support garbage over a police officer.
  • Looking at all the footage I totally agree with the caller. You DO NOT attack emergency workers especially those with guns.
  • @Manu-Official
    That new footage completely neutered all naysayers.
  • @dombo813
    I'd personally prefer that our armed police have more discipline than street fighters.
  • Do you Think it is possible for the Police to stop violent people with a bouquet of flowers !!!
  • @cottontop99
    I think the policeman wasn't in control of his actions. After kicking the guy in the head and stamping on him, he went over to a guy sat on a chair with his hands behind his head. He told him to kneel which he went to do, then proceeded to stamp on that man's leg and then hit him in the head (all whilst the man had his hands on his head). That's not right.
  • @jonnyboy8000
    Being an armed officer mean you have more training than a standard police officer I wonder if they give them psychological evaluations as well?
  • @jamestheferret
    I think it's bad they have only now released more footage, most idiots have already made their minds up after the first clip, none of us have seen the body cam footage either and people are going crazy! Stay clam until all the facts are available please
  • @mrdaveythebaby
    People who say stuff like that are the first to whine when they are the ones being policed.
  • @simonn4077
    Obviously, you dont go attacking the police, but the police are supposed to be in control when detaining someone. They have training for it. Kicking and stamping on someones head is not part of that training. The officer was definitely out of control. I'm surprised non of his colleagues went to stop him. Acting like that brings them down to the level of the thugs, whereas they are supposed to be upholding the law.
  • My Father raised me to believe that you fight your corner if you have to, but only a coward/bully kicks somebody when they are down/ on the ground, and such an action would bring eternal shame on the person who did it and embarass the family. So if that kind of behaviour is beyond the pale for the average person it should certainly be a crime for a police officer to do it. But I guess Im fluffy and naive.
  • @nmir7499
    This caller has been in many many violent street fights? I assume he means in his dreams 😂
  • @itsonlyme6174
    Even this caller admits what the officer did was a “nasty thing”
  • @joebaker7013
    Spoken by someone who knows absolutely nothing about controlling another person in a dangerous situation. The person was already restrained, there was absolutely no need to Stomp his head in and pointlessly risk his life
  • @monjuralam4007
    The first police officer who threw the first punch has put all of his colleagues in danger. It was an unnecessary cause of action. If he hadn’t done this, this situation could’ve been handled much easier. It provoked and gave reason for a response from both the man who was attacked (he wasn’t being arrested, so this would be self defence) and the man who was being arrested. It got out of hand and the police are supposed to be trained to avoid causing such escalated situations. This video doesn’t exactly help them here. CPS may accept such a case to go to court, but it will be aware that it can easily lose this case as the aggressors were the police as they threw the first punch and they had an officer kicking a man and stomping him whilst he had already been neutralised. The same officer then went and kicked the other man who had already sat down with his hands on his head. It will be very tough for the police to explain why this force was used. The officer who kicked and stomped the head of someone who’s already been tasered has, without doubt, used excessive force. A taser is used to neutralise someone, physically assaulting them afterwards is beyond unnecessary, let alone kicking them on the face and stomping the back of their heads. It is both cowardly and brutal. That specific officer is suspended and a criminal investigation is underway, however I don’t see him being sacked. What is more likely to happen is that once this story dies down, he’ll be put behind a desk for about a year, with a review of bringing him back out (if he is liked by his senior staff).
  • @gmac9667
    Unreal. These people are the same ones that say it's ridiculous to suggest the UK is heading towards full Fascism.
  • @2002daverj
    A man in charge of a lethal weapon needs to be able to control himself
  • @joecaple4552
    The police aren’t there to street fight. They are trained and there to de escalate. When he kicked the guy he was already detained and on the floor. There’s self defence and then there’s possibly delivering a fatal boot to the head while someone is already on the floor. These guys if they attacked police deserve to be punished and sentenced, booting someone in the face and then stomping on their head is not ok regardless of the situation.