CNN host ‘freaks out’ and tries to ‘shut down’ Cory Mills during interview

Commentator Brad Polumbo has commented on a CNN host “freaking out” and trying to “shut down” Republican Congressman Cory Mills.

Former US president Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt at his rally in Pennsylvania over the weekend.

“It’s really quite something to watch this CNN host freak out and try to shut down her guest who, let’s be clear, is not some random talking head like me,” Mr Polumbo told Sky News Digital Presenter Gabriella Power.

“This is Cory Mills, who was a former sniper in the military who worked on security details for VIPs, including the vice president, some years ago.”

コメント (21)
  • A man died. And people think that’s ok? Evil.
  • The irony of a "Journalist" saying we shouldn't investigate something is, sadly, pretty standard now
  • Why does nobody bring up that the left has been promoting this for a decade? When did the right do that?
  • an attempted assassination and a cold blooded murder. These people have no moral compass.
  • @EthelJung-j5w
    When has a registered republican ever donated to the Democratic Party???
  • That pretty much proves that CNN does nothing that can be called journalism.
  • If he was a Republican why did he give money to the Democratic Party?
  • Those screaming for tolerance are the most intolerant people I've ever met.
  • @xris3o5
    The investigation should be independent, you do not want the FBI, Secret Service, and NSA investigating themselves.
  • These hypocrites who hate trump are the same types that put signs on their front lawn that say “hate has no home here”.
  • There are too many suspicious things to be explained by incompetence. Mills is 100% saying what many of us are thinking.