2022 Idaho DIY Mule Deer Hunt

Join me and my buddy Kyle on an epic backcountry adventure in the great state of Idaho.

We battle unseasonably warm temps and a full moon, but still find a way to get it done.

コメント (21)
  • Dang, Man!(I don't even know your name yet :) missed it somehow) But that doesn't matter! You know how to get it done!👊 you are living my dream(60 yr old Alabama boy here) Congrats on your best buck to date! - it'd be "best buck" for a Lot of people! But I have a hunch you'll nail one even bigger some day! Great to see your appreciation for the Great Outdoors & it's creator!
  • @bhansen52
    Nice of you to share! Maybe it was the goddess of the hunt that created it. I like that.
  • Nice buck man. Congrats. Nothing like hunting in the back country and to top it off with a stud buck makes it even more of a great adventure.
  • Heck yeahhhhhh guys!!! What a STUD buck! Beautiful animal! You guys earned that one. Congrats on a big bodied mature ID Muley!!!
  • You said it right brother, God is good! congratulations on a great buck.
  • Beautiful buck fellas! Sorry you weren't able to get the double, but 1 for 2 isn't bad when you down a trophy like that! Congrats, and well done! Just thinking about all the hiking you both did in that beautiful but rugged country (and with a load on your backs) makes me tired! 😁
  • That would be awesome. Definitely a lot of work just getting out there and finding him
  • Oh man as far as hunting videos go it can get any better than ,"Another morning in God's creation." I absolutely agree!!!<><
  • I live in Oregon, I won't draw a oregon buck tag 2023. thinking hard about a Idaho hunt. I have access to horses and quads. What unit should I look into? (I don't mind hiking or packing). I heard something about frank church wilderness?