PETA Has Gone Too Far With These Games

Publicado 2022-03-24

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @loneshewolf74
    Peta: Eating chicken will give you and your whole family salmonella. Also Peta: (Ignores the many incidents of salmonella caused by unpasteurized fruit juice, bean sprouts, fresh spinach, peanut butter, fresh salsa, cantaloupe...)
  • @genericname2747
    Hey remember that time the AKC killed a random dog they found in someones yard? Or the time they killed a bunch of puppies because they decided the puppies weren't going to be adopted? Oh wait. That was PETA.
  • And again, they had a good point with how damaging pure breed dogs can be, with how many different health problems it gives the poor things - and they miss the mark so badly that it makes the cause look laughable by association...
  • @fighter1375
    The PETACU is a truly weird cinematic universe. Too confusing, contradicts itself way too often. -♾/10
  • Hearing Canada kills seals as a Canadian… it’s kinda insulting. Like yes my country has done some shitty stuff but we don’t kill seals for fun, like the only time seals are purposely hunted it’s for traditional foods and clothing of the Inuit which peta has a nice history of telling them to go vegan even though it’s against their culture which is just really 🤨
  • peta actually went just far enough when they parodied hot cross buns, you should play that and the original
  • @jaborsey_joseph
    Ironic that PETA compared AKC to the KKK when they happened to be worse than the KKK when it comes to rescuing animals
  • @Joey7Z7Horror
    Fun Fact: About the scary maze game as shown here, the creepy girl photo is actually Reagan from The Exorcist, one of the greatest horror films of all time
  • @borisarchive
    The seal game is really disturbing as a seal lover myself that's horrible!!! Plus imagine all the kids that seen that!! Peta is a piece of crap for doing that!
  • That seal game especially pisses me off because anti-sealing campaigns have had a devastating impact on Canada’s Inuit communities. What was once one of the only reliable ways to make an income up in the far north became almost completely unviable because of reduced demand, plunging a lot of people into poverty. I love seals, but the seal hunt is no worse morally than hunting any other animal.
  • @Jaxfr_
    Peta be like we love animals NOW FORCE YOUR DOG TO GO VEGAN
  • @tyl3rg637
    I've watched the original video of: "Save Sammy maze" And holy lord, the corpse is so graphic, I don't even think it should be on youtube.
  • PETA: "don't eat meat it gives you terrible diseases like E. Coli and Salmonella." Oven company: "are we a joke to you?"
  • @gothkurata
    i love how peta is like "go faux" ignoring the huge groups of people who are allergic to faux fur and pleather. theyd rather people suffer from terrible allergies then recognize that pelts and animal fur are not necessarily bad. you can dislike real fur, but dont force other people to wear faux fur.
  • @dr.c.f.8074
    I thought it was funny that the CEO was obviously Cruella DeVille.
  • @WahhaC
    Ngl these games have a straight-up creepypasta vibe. I know they're old but damn-
  • @BasilLeaf_
    I remember when I was younger my brother showed me a game where you raise a chick and in the end it gets grind down. I didn't realised it was probably a peta game till older, buy despite how shocking it was, I was never a vegan soooo I guess they failed to convert this one lol
  • I don’t understand why peta thinks humans killing and eating animals is bad, animals kill and eat other animals, how are humans worse? Cats even play with their preys dead bodies
  • @Xizilqou
    I personally don't support animal testing unless it's for things like illness research, animals definitely shouldn't be used to test beauty self-care products.
  • @BauksUnder
    if peta took over the entire world, do you think they'll make students study Plants VS Zombies?