who needs a car? The Netherlands Has Too Many Bike Lanes @osmo_global

Explore the picturesque Netherlands through the lens in stunning 4k quality. Immerse yourself in the vibrant Dutch bicycle culture as I pedal through the extensive network of bicycle lanes that crisscross the country. From cycling through charming villages to experiencing the efficient bicycle highways, this video showcases the beauty and convenience of cycling in the Netherlands. Whether you're considering moving to the Netherlands or simply intrigued by the Dutch way of life, this visual journey offers a glimpse into the unique lifestyle of this bike-friendly nation. Cyclists, enthusiasts, and those curious about expat life in the Netherlands will find this video a captivating insight into the daily rhythm of Dutch bicycle riding. Let's pedal through and discover why the Netherlands is a true haven for cyclists. Start your virtual bicycle tour now!

#DJIOsmo @osmo_global

コメント (10)
  • Too many bike lanes for all the insane number of leisurely, recreational trips that need to be made. Imagine having all those people in cars all the time. 🤪😇
  • Nice, but Dordrecht has only mediocre bicycle infrastructure when compared to the Netherlands. Many old fashioned painted lanes, instead of truly separated lanes, many stones instead of asphalt and cars parked right next to the bike lane.....
  • Actually those bike lanes are good for motorists! Because each bike keeps a car of the road. And the net result is that although the cars have fewer lanes, the traffic is still lighter and easier for the motorist. AND bike infrastructure are much cheaper for the tax payer. So the net result is positive for everybody! Not just the cyclists!
  • @theGoogol
    The Netherlaneds has too many expats who left their best and freeest country in the world.