BEST Dating Advice For Introverts- Dealing With Pressure, Picking A Date Spot & MORE | Courtney Ryan

Published 2021-09-10
In this video, I go over some dating advice for introverts. Dating can be tough, but I hope this video helps put you at ease and use your strengths to your advantage. Let me know some other tips you have in the comments!

Instagram: @courtneycristineryan

EMAIL/COLLAB: [email protected]

All Comments (21)
  • @mikelavigne1370
    Being an introvert as a man comes with its own unique challenges; we are expected to pursue a woman and I feel like most women see it as unbearable if they are not entertained by a man constantly.
  • @gebrazer
    It was a Dr Phil quote that really turned my thought process around as an introvert. You wouldn’t worry about what people think of you so much if you knew how seldom they did.
  • "Keep your expectations low and you will never be disappointed." - Kratos, The God Of War
  • @aoht06
    I respect Courtney’s perspective on this since she’s introverted, but there is a HUGE difference in how it impacts men and women in dating given their expected roles in the process The man is expected to lead the entire interaction on a date so if you’re introverted or less social it’s really going to hinder your ability to have successful dates. An attractive women like Courtney can be introverted and have no issues dating since it’s the mans job to lead and make her comfortable anyway.
  • @Mark-Joyce
    It all comes down to 1) Exposure - taking the leap into actually going on dates 2) Rejection - Getting used to being turned down, especially when you like the girl 3) Repetition - like a comedian on the stage, after a while you will start to become comfortable even though everything you say doesn't come off
  • @rlp4028
    I'm glad you brought up ambiverts. I could spend months at a time by myself. I'm not a party person or a big time socializer. However, when I do go out into the world, I'm comfortable talking to any and everyone. I'm under the delusion that I'm charming and funny.😁
  • I'm an introvert and somewhat socially awkward but I never let that stop me from approaching. I would just walk up to someone I wanted to meet and stumble and bumble my way through introducing myself and starting up a conversation. Sometimes it fell flat and sometimes it didn't. Most women seemed to understand that introductions are always a little awkward and that they were also nervous and they were pretty forgiving. Shoot your shot. You can't win if you don't play.
  • @rlp4028
    I would say introverts know themselves better than extroverts. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You are also more likely to know what you want in a partner. You are not looking for someone to complete you because you know you are already complete.
  • @grondhero
    I think a lot of guys find a beautiful woman being introverted as an oddity, because that's exactly who they/we think is always the most popular. We often forget that everyone can have insecurities or just being uncomfortable around too many others. Even when you overcome your insecurities, you can still be comfortable alone or in small groups. :) Heck, I love my family and enjoy spending time with different parts of my family, but if we get into groups of 10 or more, I'm either sticking with one or two people or going off to my own area.
  • @Mouth-pipetter
    Introversion makes approach anxiety that much more real for men because not only are we trying to engage with someone we find attractive, but now we’re also put in a position where we have to materialize our inner world into the real world, and sometimes it’s much more easier said than done.
  • @jconnor1zzzzz
    As a quiet af introvert working on getting more confident I really appreciate this. Especially the being yourself part and comfortable with who you are. Reminds me of the quote from planes and automobiles "Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get."
  • I'm an Introvert by default and anyone reading this that is an Introvert as well, just keep in mind that you're way more attractive to others than you think because of the way we are perceived. I used to get judged a lot because I didn't like going to parties or being in huge crowds. I was more of Concert/Music Festival person and I Love going to Tea Houses as well. People secretly talked behind my back because they were haters who wish they they were me. I also experienced social anxiety because I was around people or places that I wasn't comfortable with due to the fact they didn't bring me any peace. Yes, I am an Introvert. I'm not shy. I'm a noticer. I am a thinker. I'm an observer. I'm not stuck up. I'm not anti-social. I treasure my solitude. I'm not a fan of small talk. I prefer a few close friends. I am reserved, until I'm not. I appreciate true connection. If we connect, you matter to me. "Silence is a source of great strength." -Lao Tzu "Solitude has it's own very strange beauty to it." -Liv Tyler We Introverts have to stick together!, I pray for everyone to have a wonderful day and evening full of great blessings. Courtney, thanks for doing yet another great video for the people who really need it because nobody hardly ever talks about Introverts and few that are in Power barley represent us. Much Love, Respect, Light, and Gratitude to You and your partner Teddy from this Plant Based guy from Southern California ❤🙏💯👏👑🌱
  • @earthbear6313
    3:20 1.) Accept it and be yourself 6:37 2.) Stop it with the pressure 8:59 3.) Pick a good date spot 10:16 *Bonus Tip dress like yourself and wear something that makes you feel confident 11.14 4.) Take care of yourself Be yourself and show the best version of yourself. Tips I have are to communicate how you like to communicate. For example I dated someone who only texted rarely on some days not at all. If you have dates lined up you might not notice which is why I only try to court one person at a time now. Use your introversion to decide if you are being yourself and if the other person brings out the best in you.
  • From one introvert to another I highly recommend the book "Quiet" by Susan Cain. Great read that shines a lot of what I really means to be introverted and how to succeed as one.
  • @xerfxpec5154
    One of the biggest challenges I've faced, is realizing that most people are attracted to extroverts. It is so often the case that I cant get a date unless I pretend to be extroverted. When girls realize I'm actually super quiet they loose interest.
  • @carytigani9859
    I've never heard the term ambivert but I guess that's been me this whole time, I just lean more to the introverted side. My overthinking and worrying definitely affects my dating game. It's why I get really nervous approaching women. I always think that they'll just find me boring because I'm not always going out every weekend or that my day to day life is not that exciting. It's nice to know that there are women out there who would appreciate it.
  • @chrialivest
    Interesting points. As an introvert, I can relate to what you said. One of the things that has helped me is to put myself out there again and again. I used to make the first date into a big deal. Now, after having experienced numerous first dates, I see the first date as a stepping stone. However, it took me a lot of first dates to get to this point.
    I dated an introvert once. She was very nice but VERY quiet. We lasted a couple years in our relationship. But in the end, I just could not take being with someone who could not openly share their thoughts, feelings, opinions, fears, hopes, dreams etc. It was very lonely for me in that relationship as I was raised to be very open verbally but she was raised the complete opposite. Many times, it was emotionally draining being with her. Never had I been in a relationship but still felt alone. Sad thing was, when her and I would drink alcohol, her wall would come down and she would be extroverted. I would see this amazing side to her free from the childhood trauma that made her such an introvert. But once the alcohol's effect wore off, she would return to being extremely quiet. If only she could have held onto that freedom the alcohol gave her, our relationship would have lasted. But in the end, I cannot be with someone who needs alcohol to communicate effectively.
  • @frankkuper9861
    Only Courtney can make such a helpful video that can relate to so much people. I am sure she has a true and authentic desire to help as many people as possible. Huge respect and thank you.
  • We all have stories to tell. The delivery of a story is as important if not more important than the story itself. I had a woman asking me to tell her stories . The attention I would receive when putting emotion into a story is unforgettable. Her eyes would literally light up.