ピノキオピー - ノンブレス・オブリージュ feat. 初音ミク / Non-breath oblige

Published 2021-06-02
Listen digitally on Apple Music, Spotify, and more: linkco.re/hES9ByzT

PinocchioP 5th album "LOVE"

Nice to meet you, my name is PinocchioP.
I can't breathe.

Music, lyrics / PinocchioP
Animation, Video director / EirinaHamono    / @eiri7hamono  
Vocal / Hatsune Miku

Off vocal: www.dropbox.com/sh/ga5wnabowngcphj/AAC5IqL0vFzXUSD…

X (Twitter): twitter.com/pinocchiop
LINE: page.line.me/pinocchiop
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pinocchiop_official
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pinocchiop.official
Official Shop: pinocchiop.booth.pm/
Website: pinocchiop.com/

All Comments (21)
  • @user-nl3fg5po9p
    「幸せ自慢はダメ?不幸嘆いてもダメ?」って 「幸せ」って呟くと「不幸な人もいるんだよ」と言われ、「不幸」って呟くと「痛ッそういうの気持ち悪い」って言われて好きなように呟けないネットみたいな歌詞だなって
  • @user-gb3sv5pj4l
  • 防空壕は本来被爆を避けるもの 穴ほってるわけだから酸素濃度少ないのにそこで息したいという表現エグい
  • @Watasidayoo
  • @user-lw3tx5jp3q
    「幸せ自慢はダメ? 不幸嘆いてもダメ?」って所すごく好き、本当その通りなんだよな…
  • @tentenotumu301
    「さんはい」が付くだけで「この世には・・」のありきたりな言葉が一気に怖くなる。 まさに正論の暴力。
  • 約3分間も息を止めたけど、死ねなかったっていう感じが好きすぎる…
  • 絶対音感持ちの友達が「この曲はずっと同じ和音で進んでる」って言ってたのをふと思い出した 主旋律ではない『水面下』まで同じ音で埋め尽くされているってことなのかな もし同調圧力みたいなのを表現しているとしたらいよいよ天才すぎるぞピノキオピー…
  • @XteXteXte5
  • @user-xj4be4we5t
    ノブレス・オブリージュ(高貴なる者の義務)をノンブレス・オブリージュ(息を止める義務)に転じさせるとは、さすがピノキオピー。。 ノブレス・オブリージュも行き過ぎるとノンブレス・オブリージュ=沈黙や自死の強制 になってしまうんだよな。 真の共存社会とは何かを問う非常に社会的、哲学的な曲でもある。
  • @zUltraXO
    It's shocking, really. I've never heard a song more accurate and relatable to someone in depression or going through overwhelmingly dark times. The lack of breaks in lyrics combined with the only 2 breaths taken in symmetry that makes me feel a sense of urgency and an overwhelming state of mind, almost as if this isn't actually a song, but just a sudden rush of thoughts running through your mind between two breaths. "I want to live but I'm told to die" signifying how, while you're not explicitly "told to die", you certainly feel how people can mistreat you to the point of it indirectly feeling like you're told to die "I want to die but I'm told to live" feels like the opposite, to a certain extent. Like the negative experiences leading you to the edge, people are quick to kick you out of that, just to send you in a similar cycle, highlighted by the repeating of these two phrases. The repeating "I love you" is pictured as a cheap way to make someone feel less bad about themselves without ever taking the time to properly listen to one's personal struggles. 0:40 feels like the overall suppressing of one's emotions, as if they should be some executing machine with no personal feedback on how they feel, like "obediently becoming a dog" says, the requirement to obey everything without asking questions or expressing emotion. It's probably also why "I hold my breath" is constantly stressed onto the listener towards the end. It's the thought of having to shut up and move on without ever doing something about it, postponing it until it stacks other things and makes someone crumble. 0:48 this one hits hard. During my depression I've often been compared to people unknown to me in objectively worse situations, without ever taking a moment to think of how such a person might actually perceive it. It's easy for someone to say when it doesn't affect them, it's hard to hear when it really does. If someone wants to say something about it they should actually try to comfort someone in such a dire situation, not make them feel guilty about being in that situation. That is not helping, far from it. This is later similarly repeated at 1:52, this time in a more irritated and angry tone with the addition of background vocals exaggerating the feeling of frustration. 1:19 pretty well reminds that it's sometimes easier to "obligate ourselves to hold our breath" and not do anything about our problems, afraid of making things unnecessarily complicated and more stressful, especially with the wrong people. 1:46 perfectly pictures the fear of betrayal from trusted people. 2:00 desire of feeling pushed over the edge beyond the point of recovery, y'know what I mean.. 2:18 feels like we use the anonymity that our phones give us to make us "feel secure" and the sense of distraction that can be achieved from them. This song is truly amazing. From every way I try to look at it, it has so much weight to it, even more so to people who've been in such dark and tough situations.
  • @inishi623
  • @user-vo2cy6xr1z
  • @Puwanosuke_0214
    「生きたいが死ねと言われ」 「死にたいが生きろと言われ」 ほんとにその通りなんだよな 幸せなときほど誰かに死ねと言われ、 辛いときほど生きてねと言われる この世界は苦しい世の中だと思う そんな世界で息して生きてる私たちは すごい。よく頑張ってるよ。
  • @user-zj5km4yu8s
  • @user-guitar0371
    1:13 「ぼくらはコンプレックスを武器に争う」 初音ミクのコンプレックスって人間らしく歌えないこと、つまり「ノンブレス」で歌が歌えてしまうことなんじゃないかなと思いました。 生きてないからこその良さを引き出すか、私たちとは違う次元にいる彼女に、こちらに近づいてもらうか、2つの派閥で「争う」のでは? でもそれって言い換えてしまえば、どちらも「武器」になり得る個性や強みがあるんですよね。 恐らくピノキオピーさんはこの一文にそこまで、というか、少なくとも上に書かせてもらったような意味をこめてないとは思いますが、ここまで考察させられる詩を書けること、本当にすごい人だなと思います。 なんかもう初音ミクって人生……
  • @user-vj4yk4uu5u
    息が詰まる という歌詞を、決して息が詰まることの無いボカロが歌っているの好き
  • @user-ex4ib1wx8v
  • @needfulmoyashi
    5回見てやっと「羊たちの沈黙」をオマージュしてキャラが羊になってるのに気づいたわ さすがピノキオP
  • I know I'm late but have you noticed? That the whole song flow is non-stop? Almost like you can't breath because you keep singing and singing without a break. I think this is very much intentional from Pinocchio-P's side. Very clever song design