Christopher Hitchens and Tariq Ramadan Debate: Is Islam a Religion of Peace?


コメント (21)
  • Simple question. In how many countries with a Muslim majority would this debate even be allowed?
  • If you have to debate whether a religion is peaceful, it’s probably not peaceful…
  • @tycoona1
    Does anyone else wish that we had Christopher Hitchens right now? What an articulate thinker.
  • When Hitchens says "Demands that you believe the impossible do not lead to peaceful outcomes.”, he is offering a tidy version of Voltaire who once said "Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
  • Islam is so peaceful that christopher hitchens cant roam freely in a islamic country but Mr Ramadan can freely exist in any Christian majority country....
  • Guys, don't worry about losing Hitchens. I found him only a few months ago and he's changed my worldview and I'd say my life. Even in death, he's doing more for me than many who are alive. What is death when you truly lived? Love from Nigeria.
  • @zelig1799
    Having watched all these debates at the time, it's great to see them getting a fresh audience over a decade later. Watching him get ill and die in real time was horrendous, he was a bit of hero of mine at the time. What was staggering was how he was able to maintain his whit, charm, humour and immense rhetorical skills right up to the end. He was a shadow of his former self physically, but the mind was still extraordinary.
  • @blue-fj9ky
    Mr Ramadan says many Muslims are people of peace. He never tries to show that Islam is a religion of peace.
  • I respect the fact that when Hitchens knew he was on borrowed time, he used it to make as many public appearances as possible within the limits of his health to voice his opposition to religious fanaticism, instead of just resting and spending time with his family and friends. He was at the top of his form until the very end, and that's the best tribute possible to him.
  • @evanb4189
    Citing Turkey as a Muslim country liberalizing has aged like milk.
  • "Demands that you believe the impossible, do not lead to peaceful outcome." Damn, that's a strong line.
  • @HiDefi
    I just realised this episode is over 10yrs old!!!! We knew about this 10years already, still 💯 relevant, wow, legend
  • @Pocha88
    Mr.Hitchens already warn us since 10 years ago,..but many still asleep until now.
  • Ramadan refuses to directly answer questions. He just goes on and on and completely avoids the question.
  • Tariq Ramadan's Example of Turkey as a secular democracy aged horribly.
  • I forgot who said it, but: "If you think life after this one is so much better, then why are you wearing a seatbelt?"
  • Eight adult Muslim women have filed rape charges against Tariq Ramadan. It takes extraordinary courage for a Muslim female to accuse her rapist. Her culture and religion blame her for her own sexual assault. I wonder how many other victims have remained silent.